I'm actually procrastinating cleaning right now. I don't know why I've been putting cleaning off all day. After I write this I must get that cleaning done!
I've been sick lately, so I have been trying my best to take it easy lately. I am past exhaustion, which is the reason why I am getting sick. How do I know this? Let me give you example A. We took a weekend trip to Pigeon Forge, TN the weekend of September 27. We came back that Sunday...no...make that early Monday morning. Me and Maddy did not crawl into bed until 1:30 a.m. Monday morning. I didn't bother unpacking and just threw everything into the living room. I will write a separate post about our trip later. I forgot my alarm was set to 6:00 am and so I snoozed for a while and decided Maddy would just have to stay home. She would have only gotten 5.5 hours of sleep and considering she is used to getting 10-12 hours a night I knew that wouldn't be good for her. Monday at work was a huge struggle. I sit in a chair for 8 hours a day and it felt like torture. I was sluggish all week. I realized Tuesday after I got a good night's rest that the way I felt was not just tired, but sick tired. Friday morning I woke up feeling nauseous and was running a fever. My body hurt so bad. Needless to say that weekend I laid in bed all day. I started feeling better Sunday and was so thankful. I woke up Monday morning just fine. On my lunch break I decided to start cleaning up my room. Once I logged back into work I started feeling really bad again and the fever came back. I really think had I not cleaned I would have been just fine. I ran a fever through Tuesday and then it went away. I decided the rest of the week I would lay. I can still tell if I were to clean a whole lot or exert a lot of energy I would end up sick. That's probably the reason I am not wanting to clean.
I've been working on Maddy's curriculum. I decided since we are starting in the middle of the school year that I would not purchase any curriculum. I really want to see, touch, and feel the different curriculum's that are out there. I decided to kind of write my own curriculum. At the beginning of the year, or when she first switched into her new class...I was given a booklet about the classroom. They gave a schedule of the different units and when they would be learning about that unit. I am going to be teaching Maddy the same theme she would be learning if she were still in daycare. To help me come up with activities I am using this website. I am also using this site to help teach her about Jesus. I love that they are free. Obviously there will be some trial and error with how we do school once she is home, but I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. I went ahead and ordered me a lesson planner for preschool. I love that they have a page for center ideas. My house is quite small so I won't be able to have a dedicated center area so to speak, but I have some pretty fun ideas to try.
This is what my planner looks like. I clearly couldn't wait to start filling it out. The first homeschool theme we will do is called "What is hibernation?" I wrote a post about what our schedule would look like that will publish in December. Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited about this homeschool thing?
This isn't anything exciting to you guys and you may wonder why it's exciting to me, but if you had 7 bags of garbage piled up in your house plus 2 outside you would understand my excitement a little more. I finally bit the bullet and got garbage service. I'm hoping they will deliver my can Monday so I can get this stinky garbage out of the house! My garbage day will be Wednesday and I think they are probably the most decent priced corporation that will still pick up Christmas trees. I will be the odd ball of my neighborhood as most of my neighbors don't use a corporation, but a local service. I went with what my gut told me and so far I'm pleased. I knew to stay away from Allied Waste. People have actually left reviews on them online and they are all 1 star. My mom hated using them when she had garbage and I believe her bill was close to $80 a quarter. The company I chose I 4 stars, but only two people had left reviews. The local company my neighbors use will not pick up your Christmas tree...that is fine for my neighbors because they either don't have trees or use artificial trees...I get a live tree. I'm sure at some point I will start taking my garbage service for granted, but it will be a long time before that happens :)
I am going to attempt to start doing daily vlogs on youtube. I started filming today, but I'm not sure if I got enough footage. I also am not sure I can keep it up during the week because we tend to do the same thing every week and it would get boring and I tend to forget to pick up the camera. I still want to try.
A month into my weight loss journey and I have lossed 2.7 pounds. The first week I only lost .5 of a pound. I quite weighing myself after that and must have maintained my weight because I'm pretty sure I lost 2.2 pounds this past week. I'm finally seeing my stomach shrink and I have hope that I really will get close to my pre-pregnancy tummy. I will never get back to my weight because I was roughly 20 pounds underweight.
I will wrap up my long post now. Now that I have empty memory cards I hope to do better at getting some pictures. At some point I will have to decide if I want to blog or vlog because both is a full time job in itself. I'm hoping to take Maddy to the pumpkin patch next weekend and that is definitely a good blogging time :)
Saturday, October 12, 2013
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Hope you are feeling better! Looks like you and Maddy are going to have fun fun fun learning! How exciting! <3