Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best Day

Yes, I am totally Taylor Swifting it on my blog today lol. I'm pretty sure I just had the ideal work day today and it was totally unexpected. Last night Maddy was trying and trying to go to bed. I was feeling horrible and was on my way to bed after work when Maddy calls my name. She asked if she got a boo boo and she called my name would I pick her up and carry her to my bed. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and I'm in bed I comfort her and then tell her she can sleep with me. She had been begging to sleep with me because she had all weekend. I told her she could sleep with me one more night and then she'd have to sleep in her bed. We got to my room and she was just so hyper. I think she was actually shocked and excited that she actually got to sleep in my room again before Friday. She finally fell asleep close to midnight. Once I got her to sleep I had a bit of a rough time going to sleep myself.I dozed off eventually and next thing I know it's morning. I hate how quickly morning comes. I snoozed a little bit too long and woke up late. I have a new goal of getting up at 7:30 am to get Maddy up, instead of sleeping till the very last minute and then having to rush out the door. I told myself I wouldn't panic and it would all be ok. I told Maddy to go to the bathroom while I got her clothes. On her way she asked what day it was. I told her it was school day. She got these huge tears and just let them out saying, "But I thought you said I could stay home today!!!" Oh man, I felt SO bad for her. I know how that feels and I contemplated going ahead and letting her stay home. She tends to go to daycare 4 days a week these days and I know her teachers are frustrated with me because she has such a hard time letting go. I decided to go ahead and keep our normal schedule and take her to school. For the record, no, I didn't really tell her she could stay home...I think she just had it in her head that she got to stay home because she slept in my room. She got over it very well and we were only 5 minutes late getting out the door. I then remembered I needed gas, which would push us back by 10 minutes. We get into traffic and then I realized lol. It was backed up all the way to my road. I thought it was a wreck so I decided to keep on keeping on. When the clock hit 9:00 and we were not even a mile from my house I knew I had to turn us around and go back home. I told Maddy she did get to stay home today and she was beside herself. She kept telling me I wasn't going the right way to get home. I had trouble getting into the other lane of traffic to turn around. It turns out it was road construction and it went for miles it looked like. We got home at 9:30 a.m. which is the same time I get home from taking Maddy to school. I must admit I was a little nervous because usually when these types of things happen I end up having a horrible day at work. Maddy watched tv while I worked. My work day wasn't horrible like I was expecting. I definitely feel that God wanted me to keep Maddy home today for some reason. I really feel a huge push to go ahead and take her out of daycare for good, but I really need to keep her in until November at least so I can get my Christmas shopping done. I started work at 9:40 a.m. and actually finished by 7:33 p.m. That's with an hour lunch and few times of logging out for Maddy. She spent half the day watching tv. I fed her lunch and then at 1:00 p.m. she had her nap. She slept until 4 p.m. When she woke up we went and played outside during my break, and then I logged out of work and we finished playing outside till 5 p.m. After playing outside we had dinner and I went back to work. She got a bath and then we got time to play with each other inside. We mostly put puzzles together, but we drew our family, played some computer, and then finished up by playing with some of her polly pocket toys she got for Christmas. When the timer went off she wanted to pitch a fit, but she didn't and she smiled and said, "Yay!! Bedtime!!" Several times throughout the day she told that it was the most excellent day or you're my best friend or it's the best day ever. What she didn't know is I felt like it was the best day every because she was home with me. I began to wonder if that feeling would change once she's home all the time. I hope I always feel like this when I homeschool her and not get used to her being here. My love for her is unreal and I am beyond blessed to have her in my life. I wish I was great with words and could make you all feel like I felt today. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it was huge!! I was at work without feeling like I was at work. Whenever I needed a hug...she was there. She would come "check" on me several times to make sure I wasn't alone...those are her words. It felt great going outside and having our talks. Actually one thing she has started doing with me outside is praying. Sunday we prayed for a new car. Today she wanted to pray for Christmas. I prayed that we would remember that Christmas wasn't about santa or presents, but that it was about Jesus and His birth. When Maddy prayed she prayed like I did. She thanked God for the beautiful day and talked about how Christmas isn't about santa or presents but it's ALLLLL about You Jesus. Talk about having an emotional moment there lol. I pray that I will never get used to having her home with me when we do homeschool and every day will be like today. Granted I know there will still be stressful times ;)


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