Today was the dreaded 4 year checkup with the dreaded shots. I prayed and prayed that God would go before Maddy and make the pain be non-existent. I've actually been given an IV without feeling even a pinch. I firmly believe that God can take the pain away. I felt bad because I didn't tell Maddy she was getting shots today. She knew she had a check-up, but didn't know what that entailed. I have been nervous over this appointment because to this day I remember my 4 year appointment. I don't remember every detail...just the shots. I remember the nurse telling me it would feel like a mosquito bite. In my head I was like whew, those don't hurt. Apparently that nurse got her bugs mixed up because it hurt!!! I knew if I told Maddy she would dwell on that and ask all kinds of questions. I didn't want to put fear in her so I let her find out on her own. I do wonder how she will perceive doctors now. Her appointment was at 4:10 p.m. We got there 5 minutes early and waited maybe 2 minutes. She weighed in at 35 pounds, which is average for her age. She is 41 inches tall and fell in the 75th percentile for her height. Her BMI, which is weird to even write about at this age, is 14.64...I'm told that's normal. Her blood pressure was 82/48 and her temperature was 97.5. It looks like she is going to have my body temperature because that is what my normal temperature is. After they took her vitals and asked me a gazillion questions, they had her put on a gown.
While we waited for the doctor we read a couple of books. One book we read was about ABC's and I let her help me. She can identify the letters of the alphabet, but a couple she has a little trouble with. I was impressed. I let her doctor know that she complains off and on about not being able to hear. She said it can just be excessive ear wax or there could be a problem. She looked in her right ear first and with the amount of time it took her, I figured there must be an infection. She looked in the other one and asked Maddy which one hurt. Maddy refused to talk to her so I asked her. She finally took my hand and pointed to her right ear. Her doctor looked at me and was like yeah, that's the one that doesn't look normal. My heart kinda stopped for a minute. I expected to hear an infection or ear wax, but NOT normal caught me off guard. She told me her ear drum looked fine and she could see through it and there was no puss or anything, but she looked like she had fluid on her ear. She diagnosed it as swimmer's ear and prescribed her some ear drops. She proceeded on with the exam and stood Maddy up on the floor and had her bend over. Maddy stood back up and started walking to me. Her doctor was like sweetie I need you to stand real still because I think.... Again, my heart stopped for a minute. This was supposed to be an easy exam minus shots. After a few tries of getting Maddy to stand up tall and still she finally was like yeah, she has a slight length discrepancy. She had Maddy turn around so I could. If you look at the back, the knees are supposed to match up. I believe it's Maddy's right leg that is longer than her left. Her doctor said it's more common in girls and she should grow out of it, but if she doesn't and starts complaining of any issues, she would have to see a podiatrist. After all that I was ready to pack up and go home, but we still had shots to go. She had the DTaP, MMR, Varivax, and Polio. I can attest that the MMR shot hurts SO bad!!! I had to hold her hands and oh always breaks my hear because that is something I can still remember to this day. Shots hurt so bad and the fact that it's forced on you as a kid makes it seem so unfair. All I knew to do since I couldn't really hug her is put my head on her as if I were giving her a hug, but without my hands wrapping around. She seemed like she was trying to hold her tears in. I told her to just let them out and was ok to cry. I completely expected a full break down, but she was too busy trying to bow her back. As soon as she could sit up she clung to me and finally let out her tears. I for one am so relieved for her sake that that appointment is over. I tried to talk to her throughout the day that just because she goes to the doctor, it does not mean she is getting shots. I am hoping she will not hate the doctor after today. She won't have any more vaccines until 11.
I really like her doctor. What I don't like is how she lets her opinion show when I make a decision she doesn't like. When she found out I wasn't nursing, it was pure disappointment in her tone and on her face. I wanted to nurse just as much as she apparently wanted me to, but my milk just wasn't there. I had that same reaction today when she asked if I wanted to get the flu vaccine. She asks me at every check-up and I always decline it. This time was the first time she really showed her disappointment over my decision. Everybody has their own personal beliefs on vaccines. I personally do not believe in the flu vaccine. I have never had it and will never give it to Maddy. I don't like that they wouldn't tell you the swine flu was in it unless you asked...why? I also know that there are many different strains of flu that the vaccine will not protect you from all strains. I know people who still got the flu even with the vaccine. I don't just trust the information that is given to me...I would have to investigate it myself to know whether or not it is really safe/helpful before I would give my daughter the vaccine. If I had known how to NOT vaccinate Maddy, I probably would have chosen that path. I think there are some vaccines I may have chosen to give her, but I don't think I would end up giving her every single vaccine that is required today. I realize everybody has their own thoughts on this subject and whatever you decide for your child is just fine in my's all about doing what you feel is best for your child. As the doctor was walking out prior to the shots she came back in the room and said you don't even want the flu mist for her today? I'm sure the look on my face was not very nice, but that's when her personal opinion started to shine through in my eyes and I wanted to say you just told me she is very healthy. She has been alive for 4 years and I have NEVER given her the flu vaccine. She has had the flu ONE time in her 4 years. I think she's doing just fine without the flu vaccine. Of coarse I didn't say that to her...I just said, "No."
I had plans of taking Maddy to get some ice cream, but unfortunately I knew there would be no time. We had to run to the store to get her an orange shirt for her picture day and orange day at school. I let her pick up some ice cream at the store and then sometime this week we will go for some Sweet Frog :)
A Few Tidbits:
Maddy is potty trained. We are almost completely potty trained, meaning no diapers at night. I told you when you are dry 5 times in a row we will get rid of diapers. We've made it 3 nights in a row so far. Friday night doesn't matter because I can easily give you a bath. When you do wear a diaper you are in 3T-4T pull ups.
You are in a size 5 or 5T shirt and 4, 4 slim, or some 5T pants.
You wear a size 10.5 shoe, but I think you are about ready for size 11.
You eat so much. You pretty much eat around the clock.
Your favorite shows to watch are: Dora, Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, Jake, and Mickey Mouse
You can brush your own teeth now but Mommy has to make sure you brushed really good.
You don't seem like you are going to be a morning person. Some days it takes you forever to wake up.
You sometimes have sleep problems. Sometimes you can't get to sleep and other times you can fall right asleep but wake up a bunch throughout the night.
You love to play outside.
You love to party...toddler style of coarse. You loved your birthday party and are already asking how many days until your party.
You have separation anxiety wherever we go. You refuse to let go of Mommy whether it be at school, church, or even when it's time for bed.
You sleep in my bed with me and Manny every Friday night. Friday nights are also dedicated Mommy/Maddy nights and we stay up late.
You still love movies and have been to two movies this year...Despicable Me 2 and Monster's University. You absolutely LOVE the popcorn.
You want us to get a new car...Mommy wants this too.
You are starting to pray on your own and that just melts Mommy's heart. I pray you will accept Jesus into your heart and live for Him.
You can identify your letters and numbers and name.
You are still so very spirited ;)