Believe it or not I just got Maddy to bed 30 minutes ago. It's been kind of a different week this week. Every day Maddy has just absolutely refused to walk into school. She has started asking to be carried and then won't get off you once you get inside. Once you do get her down she refuses to put anything up and just screams, "NOOOOO!!!" When I ask her why it's always, "I just want to go home." She has a favorite teacher who she will normally talk to, but she wants nothing to do with her. If I told her I would stay, then she'd snap right out of it. Normally this type of behavior would make me think something happened at school, but I really don't think this is the case...I think it's something else. I could be completely wrong, but I really don't think so. Not only is Maddy having separation anxiety, she is having a rough time going to sleep. Last night she called for me twice and she was under the covers both time. I would go in there and she would say, "Mommy I'm ready to get up now." She got upset when I told her it was still night night time. She told me one time that she was scared. It probably doesn't help that some people think it's ok to play like monsters are after them...yeah...thanks for that. 11:00 p.m. seems to be the magic number. Tonight was my fault she stayed up so late, but honestly she went straight to sleep. Wednesday's are chaotic around here. I have been letting her stay up and play when we get home from church while I finish working. Tonight was no different. What was different is I went ahead and gave her a bath. I wondered why I was so tired when I was rocking her...I got my phone and saw it was 11:00 p.m. I had to finish tying her friends valentine bags and then I had to put Maddy's valentine's bag together from me. I wished I had remembered to either ask my mom for a heart cookie cutter or buy a cheap one so I could make heart biscuits for her breakfast tomorrow and to get strawberry milk. Yeah, deep down inside I am THAT mom that likes to go all out and make it a fun day but we won't get to do all that this year. It's amazing how fast time has gone by. I didn't even get to get her an adorable outfit...I do, however, have a red heart shirt that will do just fine.
I wish Maddy could understand her feelings enough to tell me exactly what is going on, but I know she can't right now. It kills me to leave her when she having a rough time. I know it's part of life and I know that she is just fine when I leave but more than anything I just want to scoop her up and tell her she can go home. I also know that that would not be in her best interest. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good distraction for her. She knows it's Valentine's day even though she doesn't really understand what that means. Her school has done a great job of preparing them for tomorrow. I don't have a lot of pictures...but will post a picture of Maddy's treat bag she will get in the morning along with the treat bags we are sending to school.
It was kinda hard to get a "good" picture of the treat bag. It doesn't help that I am just so ready for bed so it is what it is lol. I will share pictures of the goodies in Maddy's sometime this weekend or next week. I hope you all have a GREAT Valentine's Day and enjoy eating all the goodies...I will enjoy seeing all the cute kids that are posted on Instagram, along with my own cute kid and looking at all the hearts. For some reason I LOVE hearts...when my family sees a heart they think of me...we just go. Maybe one day I will understand my love for hearts, but for now I will just enjoy them :) <3 p="">
Thursday, February 14, 2013
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