I don't have really have any "topics" to talk about per say, but do have a lot of pictures on my phone/camera. My posts may be random picture dumps for a while lol.

Maddy stayed home from school today. It was totally unintentional, but I'm really glad we got to spend the day together. Small mom confession...I have my alarm set for 6:45 a.m. for the weekdays. Since I seem to have gotten stuck in a habit of going to bed anywhere between 1 and 2 a.m. during the week, it's very rare I actually get up at that time. Usually I snooze until time to get Maddy up. This morning...I remember snoozing one time and then when I woke up and saw how light it was outside I knew I had really overslept. I woke up at 8:11 a.m. I knew there was no way I would be ready to walk out the door by 8:30 a.m. Maddy's daycare has a policy that if they aren't there by 9 a.m. then you have to wait until 2:30 p.m. before dropping them off but you have to let them know you are coming. I figured it'd be 9:30 before I could get there and I'm on overtime this week so it just worked out better that she stay home. When I told her she was staying home her eyes lit up and she said, "YAY!!!! That's what I wanted to do." She grabbed her drawing board as we call it and sat right beside my desk and drew this. She said, "Look mommy, I drew Hello Kitty" When I looked down I was shocked because it really does look like Hello Kitty lol.
If you've read my blog for any length of time you know I coupon...that's how I afford groceries for us. There are lots of good benefits from couponing one being you get to get a lot of goodies that you might not could otherwise afford. One of my deals were the Softpretzel brand of frozen pretzel's. I don't like pretzels without nacho cheese sauce. I didn't have any so I decided to try Pace picante sauce...it was pretty amazing. I don't know why but I was also shocked to see there was only 1 fat gram per pretzel. I didn't put the salt on it so it was a pretty healthy little snack.

These are Maddy's new shoes. Funny story kinda. First of all I had to bring a shoe box to her school last week so they could make a Valentine's box this week. I don't buy many shoes and when I do, I usually throw the box away. I was just going to go to payless and grab a cheap pair of shoes for Maddy so I could get the box. I was going to be proactive and buy a half size bigger so she would have something when her foot grew. I decided to have her try it on and realized her foot had already grown. She's been wearing a size 8.5 and I have no idea how long she has needed a 9. Oops! I grabbed a black pair of flats that she uses for dance and church. Sunday morning we were getting ready for church and I could only find one of her shoes. Mind you it was the only pair she could wear. I searched high and low and everywhere in between and the shoe just was not here...anywhere. So we headed to Wal-Mart and I got her these heart shoes that light up and then another black pair like I had bought at Payless. I think the devil just sits and waits for Sunday morning to roll around because every morning is a battle to get to church. I usually struggle to find my keys and almost had to say no church because I just couldn't find them...but I eventually did. If it's not shoes or keys it's no make up...it;s always something.

This past Saturday me and Maddy had a movie date. It finally snowed here so I threw on Maddy's snowsuit and didn't even bother fixing her hair. The past two times I've told her it might snow she got so excited and wanted to build a snow kitty. When I woke up and saw how hard it was snowing I ran to get her and we hurried to get outside. She remembers us watching Lady and the Tramp one afternoon while we ate popcorn and then we fell asleep. She is always asking now to watch Lady and the Tramp and eat popcorn and tells me if I'm tired I can lay on her couch and love on her. Saturday night we actually watched Despicable Me instead. She did pretty good...she watched most of it but towards the end she got up and played.

I see these advertise all the time on TV but never cared to try them because I really don't like sausage. They were on sale two weeks ago so I bought them. They were normally $6.99 at Publix, but they were doing a B1G1 and on top of that I had a coupon. I only bought one because it was the cheapest price. They actually were pretty good. I wouldn't pay full price for them, but if they go back on sale I would buy again. I do recommend not freezing them though.

Maddy's school has come up with a creative way to raise money for iPads and other education electronics. The director will cook every once in a while. They recently held another dinner and I must say she is a WONDERFUL cook! This time was spaghetti, rolls, and salad. I'm really not a big spaghetti fan..I like it baked with lots of cheese. I was reluctant to try hers but was pleasantly surprised. The rolls..they were amazing too. When we got home we went straight to the table to dig in....Maddy really enjoyed it lol. FYI...I really do fix her hair...this is how she comes home everyday...she plays super hard and of coarse during nap time it gets all messed up.

Maddy received her first award on my oldest niece's birthday. She doesn't know what this is just yet, but it's something I will treasure forever. She is in dance year round at her school and she just progressed to the next level. It will be interesting to see how long she will keep dance up. I don't think it's something she will do once she is out of daycare, but she may surprise me.
This was roughly two Sunday's ago...we were getting ready for church and once I got her PJ's off she ran to her couch laughing saying No, I'm cold let's snuggle. I wish I had written down exactly what she said because it was super cute. I wanted nothing more than to lay back down under the nice warm covers and go back to sleep but I'm always so thankful to go to church.
She wears her glasses upside down because when she tries to put them on the right way herself, they fall down...this way they don't fall down...smart girl she is lol. She was all about her chocolate in that moment...right now chocolate is not candy...it's chocolate lol.
I need to go workout now before I fall asleep...actually that's why I'm staying up so late is because after I work out I'm pretty pumped. I hope you all have a great end of the week!!!