This will be a "boring" post to most, but I think it will be beneficial to me in the future...maybe. I've known for a while that my current job is not where I was going to stay. I didn't think I would anyways. It's no secret that I've wanted to own my own daycare for a while now, but that's such a huge task to overtake that I just have no idea where to begin. Obviously my first plan would be to come up with a business plan. Do you think this girl knows anything about business plans??? That would be a no lol. I've found sample ones online and I really think it's something I could get done if I just gave it a shot. I can get past that obstacle, but the one that gets me everytime is the funding. I want to run a privately owned and operated facility but have no idea where to even begin to look for funding.
For a while now I've had Maddy's daycare on my mind. I've always thought I was supposed to try to get a job there, but I'm not sure. There is no way I could afford to work there. Not to mention we aren't too liked there due to an issue that occurred when we first started going there. I always end up just forgetting the whole thing and just try my best to hold on to the job I have now. I feel like if I'm not careful God is going to "force" me out of my current job to do what I'm supposed to be doing. I know daycare is for me...I have no doubt about that. I just don't know for sure what it is I'm supposed to be doing. I had a talk with my mom today and she told me to pray specifically that God would tell me or show me what it is exactly I'm supposed to be doing and what Maddy's school has to do with anything. I've been so busy crying about my current job that I haven't really focused too much on the daycare thing. I'm hoping I will be open to whatever answer He gives me. The problem is what He usually wants me to do is so far out of my comfort zone. Because of that I wonder if I will really hear what He says for fear of what it might be. I mean I've left my job before without having a back up plan and I had bills such as a car payment that couldn't go unpaid. As I'm thinking back to that time I was just reminded that even though I had no job lined up my needs were met. If my needs were met back then when it was just me and it was mainly a car that was taken care of...won't God take care of me and Maddy that much more? It's so easy to sit here and say that, but to put that into action is almost unbearable to think about. I'm not saying I'm quitting my job but it really wouldn't surprise me if I do in the near future. This will be another prayer journal entry for me to see how the end results end up. I remember writing at the end of last year and wondering what all would happen this year. Honestly this year has been a horrible year...well..not completely, but mostly lol. I feel it's a miracle I've made it this far. I think this year was the start of a new chapter for me. I'm so thankful for God providing me and Maddy our own place and for Him providing the resources for bills to be paid on time and food on the table and Christmas bought. I'm even more thankful that He brought us back to our "home" church. He has done a lot in a year's time. It will be interesting to see where me and Maddy are in life this time next year...hopefully it will be a MUCH better year next year :) I do have high hopes for that and I am confident we will.
I'm not really "advertising" this post anywhere, but if you happen to stumble upon this post and you have ideas on how to start an actual daycare center...please please let me know. I'm at a loss here. I know it takes time to get everything done. Maddy's daycare took 5 years before they were up and running...I don't have 5 years to wait, but again we will see what God has in store. I am also fully aware that God may NOT lead me down this road...right now all things are pointing towards a daycare for me, but it may not be anything like what I am thinking.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
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Is there a way you can begin keeping children in your home? Then you can work towards getting your license? Take baby steps and break it into manageable sections. Then once you get a few children, you can maybe pair off with other people who have done the same thing and rent a small area together to start a daycare.