I made it to the weekend!!! Today was no fun. I did, however, find some information out. I took an online workshop from score.org that talked about starting a business. They have a free workbook for you to fill out to help guide you in the process of starting a business. You can pick one up at your local score office or download it on your computer. I'm so impatient on this that I downloaded mine on my computer. I knew I needed a business plan, but didn't understand the importance of it. It basically is what is going to help in the loan process but also helps you see your profits. There is a piece of it I don't know how to do. I don't know how you know what your start up costs and projected profits are going to be before you even begin. I can understand start up costs moreso than profits. It talked about your cashflow and other terms that I'm just not sure about. The advice I'm hearing and reading is just to take it one step at a time. I guess I just want to dive right into the big picture without taking all these small steps. I know business wise that is not good lol. This weekend I plan to try to start my business plan and do maybe do some research on where my center should be. I know where I want it but I'm not sure if it will be beneficial or not. Everywhere I turn I'm hearing/reading to start out with a babysitting service and then into a home daycare and then into a center. This is going to have to be my plan if I want to get started into my passion. I would never be able to live off of a babysitting service. If I were younger I would have no problems doing this, but I'm almost 30. I think at some point I'm going to have to get a job at a daycare center to get some daycare experience in and have more time to start my own daycare. Maddy has been in two daycares total. There were/are good in both facilities. I want to take the good and keep in my facility, but I want to find ways to get rid of the bad I've experienced in both facilities. It's time I take my ideas and put them on paper and figure out this business plan thing so I can move forward. One thing about the funding section I thought was hilarious is they say there are other ways other than traditional ways to get funding. One being savings or from family and friends. That was hilarious to me because I don't know many people who have family or friends that just have a million dollars sitting around. I definitely don't have that kind of cash in savings and if I did you can rest assured I wouldn't be going through the stress I am in my current job. I've looked at statistics before and the daycare I looked at projected their budget was a million dollars or so. That's just so unreal. I've looked into franchise and in order to get financed you have to have $500,000 in collateral and well I don't. I also wouldn't be happy in a franchise. I mean if it were all I could get then I'd take it but it's not my ideal.
I noticed that even though today was a rough day I felt happy inside. I felt like a weight had been lifted somewhat. I'm so happy to start working on a plan and I really can't wait to see where God leads me. If it's not daycare then I know it's somewhere other than where I am currently.
What I learned today: You may not know where to begin with something God lays on your heart, but if you don't do what He's been telling you to for a while He will find an alternate path. Once you realize what is going on and take just a small step in getting started you will find that inner peace you haven't felt in a while due to worrying about things that you shouldn't be. I think I was supposed to be working on this a year ago, but I decided I'd rather hold on to the comfort of my paycheck. It makes me sad to see Maddy's face when she sees me working all the time and it's hard knowing that we live together but I only really get to spend time with her on Saturday because I work from the time we get up to the time we go to bed. I know owning my own business will have demanding hours, but I am in charge of those hours. I can take breaks throughout the day and devote to Maddy. I know if this actually happens ( and I pray it does!) the first year I'll probably be working more than I am now, but it's still so different. I t will be something I am very passionate about and I would be my own boss. I wouldn't have to "punch" a time clock and worry about getting my time in...I'll just have deadlines and that kind of thing. I can take Maddy to work with me everyday and if she's having a "mommy" moment I could just take her out for the day. I know I won't have this up and running before she is out of daycare, but I can dream can't I? Ok, I'm rambling now...I am going to try to journal as much as possible for my own benefit of seeing just what God did do. No matter what I know He has a plan...Jeremiah 29:11
Friday, November 16, 2012
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