It's been a bit of a rough day today...not gonna lie. I was getting Maddy ready for bed and decided to put her in a gown for her pajama's. As soon as I put her gown on her she immediately said, "I'm a princess!" She twirled around and kept saying, "I'm a princess!" I have no idea where she even heard about princesses because we don't watch them here at home. My only guess is one of her friends at school likes them. It was so cute seeing her twirl around pretending she was a princess. She is so precious! I didn't get a chance to snap a picture of her in her gown, but I'm going to post some random pics of her.

lol...this picture cracks me up! I went to check on her one night and found her all sprawled out like this. She was sound asleep. I'm really surprised she does as well as she does when we sleep in the same bed because she rolls around a lot, but she does really well. She cried and cried tonight because she wanted mommy to sleep with her. Talk about melting your heart. One of these days I will get her pouty face so I can show her when she gets older. This girl knows how to stick out her bottom lip and get her eyes just so...she looks so pitiful but then sometimes she will look like she's starting to smile a if to say, "ha ha ha...i know how to work ya lol"

This isn't the best comparison of me and her. I have no idea how old I really am here. My hair isn't AS blonde as hers but it's close enough. We have different face shapes, but apart from that we look alike. I mean no, we aren't twins by any means but she does have some my features. I actually see a lot of her in my picture :)
This post is random, but not for me. I think we are definitely headed towards the "princess" phase. Maybe soon we can start getting some of the Disney movies...although I must say there are some things in Disney movies I'm not sure I am ready to let her watch just yet. I hope you all have a fantastic Friday tomorrow! I for one am SUPER excited the weekend is here. I've had a rough end to my week but I'm trying my best to just trust God will pull me through.
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