I seem to be writing these later and later in the week. We have a pretty hectic schedule during the week and there just isn't much time for anything. We had a great weekend! We spent more time at home. Friday was my grandfather's birthday. He is still recovering from his hip surgery and it turns out he may be having another knee surgery in the future. I didn't think I would be able to make his party due to work, but our systems shut down earlier than normal which allowed me to go. I kept Maddy up and put on a movie for her to watch so I could finish working....of coarse it was none other than Mickey Mouse! She did a great job of letting me work. Towards the end she was wanting me to hold her, so I just called it quits. I don't have any pictures from the party because I've been without my camera for a while. It was a fun time to spend with everybody and Maddy had fun playing with Aria's toys...until the end and she got mad at Aria. We got home around 11:30 p.m. and went straight to bed. There was no cleaning, there was no staying up, we were just plum exhausted. I've decided that Friday nights are my favorite because I know there is no work the next day and we get to sleep in. I woke up at 10:48 a.m. I was shocked! The power had gone out at some point because Maddy's monitor was turned off, so I got up and didn't hear a peep from her room. She did wake up soon after but it was great to sleep until I woke up. I started to clean up a little until I became a little overwhelmed. I decided it was best to get the stores out of the way first and then clean later. I ended up going to my mom's and off to the stores we went. We went to Publix, CVS, Bi-Lo, Baskin Robbins, and Walmart. We got home a bit late....again, so I never got to finish my cleaning. Sunday is church day and Maddy's still adjusting to her new room. She loves going to church, but doesn't like mommy leaving her. She leeched onto me and they had to pry her off me. I felt so bad! When I went to pick her up she was having fun playing. I'm so happy to have us in church. After church we went home and Maddy played while I cleaned. It's amazing what I can get cleaned in just a few short hours. I never get our house totally clean because I tire out fast. I feel overwhelmed with not knowing where to put everything, so I figure if I just keep doing what I'm doing eventually everything will find a spot. I think this was the most uneventful weekend we have had in a long time. It was nice to not have much to do. Pretty soon fall will be here...and Maddy's birthday for that matter and we will have lots of activities planned. I found a fall "to do" list on pinterest that I am most definitely going to do with Maddy this year...I can't wait for all the holidays :) I don't have many pictures to share, but will find something to post here so it's not so boring lol.
These are hand me down pajama's from my niece. I'm not 100% sure what size it is because the tag is torn off, but I'm pretty sure it's a 4 or 4T. You can tell it's still a little big on her, but not as big as I would have thought. I was shocked! I found out Sunday that she can wear some 4's because the dress she wore on Sunday was a 4...talk about growing up!
I took this picture to send to my mom. He was fixing to get a bath and let me tell you...that was a chore! He did not like me picking him up. I finally got him in the tub and halfway through his bath he found a way to jump out. I was soaked and trying to catch him wasn't easy. We did make it through and he feels and smells so much better!!! I'm going to try to give him a bath at least twice a month.
She fell asleep on the way home Sunday. She was so tired because she hadn't had a nap at all that day. I just love watching her sleep!
On Monday she started her new classroom at school. I will write more about that tomorrow. We have a busy week ahead of us this week because I have enrolled her in Awana's at church. I'm hoping she will love it!
I hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great start to your week!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
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