I still need to write about our last two days of vacation, but so much is happening it will just have to wait. I finally got my business internet installed, which meant I was pretty much free to move whenever I wanted. This Saturday was my Nephew's first birthday as well as his party. The plan was to get mine and Maddy's bed/dresser moved after the party. The party started at 3:00 p.m. I would love to share pictures of him and show off all his adorable smiles, but his parents do not want his pictures posted online. He was very quiet during his party and just stared at all the people and all the toys and flirted with the girls lol. He didn't really dig all in his cake. He mainly just got the icing, which was red by the way, and smeared it all over his face. It was cute. We left around 5:30 ish and headed straight to get some food. We were all starving. We ate at Golden Corral and the food was delicious, but the air wasn't really working so I think we burned off our food as we ate it because it was pretty hot in there. After dinner we went back to my mom's house. When we got to my mom's we decided to just wait until Sunday to move because we were already so tired and I was having a bit of an emotional moment. Moving on a Sunday is no easy task for anybody involved, but I am really glad we stayed one extra night :) Sunday came and I started the day off feeling very overwhelmed. We took Maddy's bed down, got my work computer unhooked, got my bed out, and Maddy's dresser. We loaded up two trucks and a car and we still had lots of stuff at my mom's. The idea was to just get what had to go right then moved over and then throughout the weeks I can go through the stuff at my mom's and throw away what I don't want and slowly move the rest over. I felt so bad for my step dad, uncle, and grandfather because they were lifting heavy stuff in 90 degree weather, but it felt more like 100. My mom helped me coordinate the move because I've never had to deal with this big a move before. It really is amazing all the stuff you can collect, especially with a kid, in just three short years. Long story short me and Maddy are officially moved into our new house, but we are not quite settled yet. Maddy's room is pretty much done but the rest of the house will take some time. I originally wanted to decorate in pink and brown because that was Maddy's nursery theme and it's special to me. Things I found a year ago are not in style anymore and pink and brown is no longer popular. I did see a lot of blue and brown, so those are the colors I am using to decorate with. It's going to take some time to really get our house the way I want it, but I'm doing a little at a time as I can. I found a rug for the living room at Wal-Mart that was just perfect...
I took a picture of Maddy's room, but it looks much better in person. She seems to really like her room. I love her room and find myself going in there throughout the day to just sit, rock, and listen to her music. It feels very calm in there and I'm very thankful for that. Here is the pic I took from my phone.
For all you home decorator's out there I know her rug doesn't exactly "go" with her curtains, but I am just not ready to get rid of it or replace it. I would love to paint her walls to bring some more color to the room, but since we are renting I don't want to go through the trouble or the money to paint it only to have to paint it again once we moved out. I do have a goal of owning my own house within the next few years or so. I have her glider on the left in front of the window, and her closet is also on the left. The green curtains were extra's my sister gave me and they really work perfect. I bought her toddler bedding set a while back that is purple with green and pink. The room really works together even though this picture doesn't do it justice. My mom spent half a day with me yesterday and helped me get it manageable to where I could just go through boxes a little at a time as I could instead of just having stuff piled every where. I've seen a change in Maddy when I take her to school in the mornings. She will talk while I'm there instead of just acting shy. I'm hoping after this week she will be feeling a lot more settled and sure about our move. For now I have left my dog Manny with my mom. I plan on getting him this weekend...I am really missing him! I just needed to get me and Maddy situated first before trying to get him.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
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