I meant to write this last night but there were a few variables as to why I didn't. First of all it was a huge tv day for me...or should have been. Two shows I watch premiered last night...Kendra On Top and Dance Moms. I missed Dance Moms due to the fact that I was stuck at work, but I made it for Kendra. I had to flip back and forth between Kendra and 16&Pregnant Life After Labor. By the time the show was over it was 11:00 and I needed sleep as I was going to try to be up at 4 a.m. today. HA!!! One of these days I will learn to quit trying to be up at 4 unless it's a Friday because that's the only day I can make myself get up and that's ONLY if I desperately need the time. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention Tuesday is also Giuliana and Bill. Next week the final season of Teen Mom premiere's so as sad as I am that Giuliana and Bill had their finale last night...it helps some because I have too many shows coming on Tuesday's now.
I've been trying to get a new blog design since Easter has come and gone. I found one I liked, but Photobucket seems to have made some changes and now I don't know how to add pictures to my header. I hope to get it fixed this weekend, but I'm gonna be pretty busy so who knows.
I may finally get to move into my new place soon....I'm hoping by next week. My manager finally decided to respond to my email that I sent her on April 26 to let her know I would be moving on May 5. I had to forward the April email and ask if there was anything I should be doing to get things moving. Her response, "Oh you've moved already?" Talk about being so frustrated!!!!
I've talked about Maddy's appetite before, but I took a picture to show you just how much this child can eat...
She eats a whole one of these with no problems, but when it's all gone she asks for more and usually eats at least half of a second one. She has food going into her mouth round the clock it seems. I think one day I will do a food diary for her and post on here to show the amount of food she consumes in a day lol. I'm not at all making fun of her...I'm just a bit amazed at how much food she really can eat, but doesn't gain a pound. I'm pretty sure her pediatrician questioned my mothering skills where she is concerned because she has always been so tiny. At one point she told me that she was okay with where she fell in weight, but if she didn't gain at least two pounds by the next check up she would be a little concerned. She did mention she was probably just small because I was small (yes I wanted to hug her right then and there lol) but she also wanted to keep a watch on Maddy and make sure there wasn't anything wrong. I stressed out until time for the next check up and thankfully Maddy had gained exactly two pounds...I said Whew in my head lol.
Have I mentioned that we leave for vacation in just 11 days (only 7 work days)? I'm so ready to get out of here again and forget about my problems! I've been looking up restaurants online so I know where we can go and where we can't and I have it all planned out...no I'm not really a planner but I had to this time due to financial reasons. We are going to try some new restaurants because I'm kinda tired of the same ol same ol. Sunday night we are just going to eat at the hotel because after driving all day I don't think either of us is going to want to get back in the car. There are three different restaurants in the hotel so I'm not sure which one we will be eating at. I want to go to The View because you're supposed to have a good view of the beach but price wise I don't know what any of them cost and that will be the determining factor.
Insert random picture here :)
Last Friday we celebrated my cousin Aria's 2nd birthday. She had a chipmunk theme party at Harrison Bay. They had yummy BBQ with baked beans and potato salad and of coarse....cake and ice cream. Maddy really enjoyed herself.
The birthday girl enjoying her cake
This is the view from the deck. The pool is just amazing and being able to see the lake is neat as well :)
Saturday me and Maddy just stayed home for the most part and played. We played car and baby and stroller. Maddy loves to pretend she's going to the store like we do all the time. She really is going to be a good little mommy some day. We went to see what Pops was building in the back yard and we found some pretty flowers.
The biggest news is we finally went "big girl panty" shopping. I pulled all the ones that were her size and let her pick. She chose Hello Kitty. I was going to show you all the picture I took, but it just seems so awkward now so I decided not to lol.
Yesterday at school Maddy had her first water day of the summer and she really seemed to enjoy it. I told her the night before about water day so she woke up ready to go play in the water. She went to school in her bathing suit and when I picked her up she seemed so happy. I asked her what she did in the water and she told me/showed me she jumped in it. I can tell she had played in the water because her hair looked funny. I'm glad she loves the water :)
That's all the ramblings I can remember for now. This may be my last post until after vacation because I need to get the rest of my stuff out of storage before the end of this month and I'm also in the process of getting ready for vacation still so if I don't post again I hope you all have a great weekend and week next week and be prepared for another few posts full of vacation pictures when I get back!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
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