Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

May 2009 was my first "official" Mother's Day because I was five months pregnant. I have been so blessed to be Maddy's mom. I love her more than words can say! This Mother's Day was really special for me because it was the first year she could actually tell me Happy Mother's Day. I honestly wanted to cry, but it would have worried her so I held it together. We kinda celebrated mother's day all weekend. When I picked her up on Friday she had a poster she had made and it is so precious!
On Saturday we celebrated my sister's birthday at P.F. Changs. Maddy really enjoyed eating the egg rolls and wanted to try everybody else's food. She tried a lettuce wrap, but she didn't care for that so much. She ate sweet and sour chicken and rice for dinner.

I thought it was cute she was trying to use her chopsticks :) She liked sticking it in her sauce and eating the sauce. The moms at the table received a $10 gift card from the was a nice surprise. When we got home...I mean...Nana and Pops' house lol Maddy had a present to give me. She came walking in the living room and gave me a bag and said, "Happy Mother's Day!" Honestly that just made my entire Mother's Day in itself. She got me a very sweet card and a beautiful rose bush to plant at our new home. A little birdie must have told her I wanted one :)
We had a really good day today. We did some laundry this morning and then played with baby. We then headed over to our new house for a while and I did some cleaning while Maddy watched Barney. She misses her kitchen so much when she is at her Nana's house, but everytime we go to "our" house she barely plays with it and watches Barney instead lol. I got my kitchen as clean as I could and tried to find a home for the boxes in my living room...I really have a bunch of junk that doesn't really have a good place to call home yet haha. I decided it was about time for us to head to the store for some last minute stuff and then back to Nana's house. We gave Nana her Mother's day cards and then headed over to my grandmother's to deliver her Mother's day. Maddy had a fun time at my grandmother's and was very fascinated with their cat. When we got back to Nana's house we took a bath and she got out saying she was ready for "hugs and kisses" which means it was night night time. That surprised me because she never willingly goes to bed anymore. She hadn't even had dinner, but she did have a late lunch. When we were rocking she told me she was hungry so I got her some dinner and we rocked and talked and sang while she ate. We didn't really have any spectacular plans today, but days like today are what I will cherish forever. She really seemed to enjoy herself today...except for when she fell and re-injured her hurt knee. I'm thinking I need to get it checked out because it just swells up at the drop of a hat and ever since she hurt it on Easter she will not let me touch it. Anyways, I feel so honored to be a mom and not just to be a mom, but to be HER mom. She amazes me day in and day out. She has SUCH a sweet personality, but she is definitely a very emotional child who isn't afraid to tell you how it is. I do love having her snuggle up on my shoulder when I hold her, but my favorite time with her is when I get to play with her. I watch her play with her baby and see how much love she pours into her baby and gentle she is with her and how much she nurtures her and it really warms my heart.

Happy Mother's Day!!!

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