Before I begin this post I just have to write about my excitement for one of my good friends. I found out right before Christmas that she was pregnant with her second baby. Her first baby is just 3 months older than Maddy. I was excited for her but I must admit I have been struggling greatly with baby fever ever since Maddy hit 10 months. There have been moments that I have sat and cried as I saw my facebook wall get littered with "I'm pregnant." It seemed as if my "baby fever" had calmed down and then I heard from her that she was expecting, so I had to try to keep it in check lol. We met up a couple of months ago and she told me she had some news to share. In my head I was thinking, but you already told me you were pregnant lol. She has this huge grin on her face as she's pulling out the ultrasound picture. Before I even have it in my hands I notice what the big deal is all about. My mouth dropped and I said, "THERE'S TWO BABIES?!?!" She just laughed and said surprise haha. Once I had the picture in my hand I realized I was about to lose it emotionally and here we had two kids with us...mine and hers. I tried everything I could to not cry but I just lost it. The look on her face made me feel so bad because it was a happy moment, I have just been super emotional after having Maddy. I was completely shocked she was carrying twins and I've never known anybody personally to carry them so I was excited to be involved in this journey. I found out this week that both babies are boys. I am so happy for her and just had to share the exciting news :)
I had last Thursday and Friday off. I had forgotten about having Thursday off, technically I was supposed to be off all week but I cancelled it all except Thursday and Friday. I had to keep Friday because Maddy's daycare was closed for Good Friday, due to having an inservice day. I had made so many plans throughout the week, but as the day went on I realized I needed to drop a lot of my plans. I did not get to sleep Wednesday night until around 1:30 a.m. I needed to wake up at 6:45 to get my last few minutes of work done. Before I went to bed I realized I didn't have something that was kinda important and I would need to run to the store before getting started on work. I set my alarm for 5:55 a.m. (yes, on my day off lol) but Maddy had other plans. This is the second time she has done this and I feel so bad for her. I woke up to her screaming/crying. She tries so hard to calm down and stop but whatever is going on (nightmares probably) she is just petrified. The first time this happened I sat straight up and ran to her. This time it honestly took a second for me to realize what was going on. In trying to figure out what was happening I knocked over my mello yello can from the night before and just kinda stumbled out of bed. This scream was not so much an I need you right was more of an I'm disoriented type of scream so I think that's why it took me a minute to figure out what was going on. Anyways, so I lay in her bed with her for a while. I got scared cause I had no sense of time and there were some work things i HAD to take care of before I left for the day. I was glad I got up because I was running behind as usual. I didn't get to the store until 6:30 and then didn't get home until 7:15, which only gave me 15 minutes to process a really hard claim on top of meeting production. By the time I was done it was 7:40 a.m. Usually by that time we are getting ready to head to the kitchen for some breakfast while I fix her hair, so I rushed into her room while at the same time trying to stay calm. She handled everything very well and just went with my crazy speed. She's used to hearing me say, "We gotta hurry, we're late!" I think I got her ready, hair included, in record time that morning to be honest lol. Once I get her hair fix, I get myself semi ready. It usually just includes brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and running a brush through my hair. Because I was so tired the night before I did not pack my stuff, which meant I had to do that in the morning and I had no idea how to get it all done and still get Maddy to school on time. I think I was seriously running the whole morning. After I got myself ready I was able to throw my stuff in my backpack/floor and put it near the front door. I scooped Maddy up and went flying out the door. I have no idea how we did it, but we managed to not be real late to school. After I dropped her off I realized I left something of hers in the car that she would need that day. I had to weigh out my options and decided to just not bother going back in because it wasn't a life threatening situation. After I got all that done I headed to the gym to meet up with my mom. I was determined to get a good workout in. Unfortunately there were no classes we could take, so we hit up the what I think is an eliptical...I have no idea what it is but it's like you are running but it's so smooth. We set the timer for 30 minutes and within the first few minutes I could tell that was gonna be one killer workout. I was proud I made it all the way through with no stopping...I've really been working on my running here lately. I was disappointed however, that after the end of my workout I didn't quite burn enough calories to match that of a can of mello yello. I felt so discouraged after that because I gave it everything I had and went as fast as I could without losing steam...I had like 1000 strides or so and my pace stayed anywhere from 52-62 a minute I think it was. Anyways, once I got feeling back in my legs and could walk without looking like an idiot we hit up the weights. We laughed so hard but I think it was because we were both sleep deprived. We worked our legs and arms. I thought the day was going to turn around and be ok, but I found out later I was wrong. After I got ready we went to Kohl's to look for an Easter dress for me. I learned on that day that I am officially old because I did not like ANY of the juniors outfits this year, but on the other hand the women's section was too grandma-ish for me so I don't know what I am lol. After Kohl's we went to Belk. I finally found a dress I liked and a cardigan to go with it. I purchased it without trying it on and was ready to go eat some Sweet Frog. On our way out the alarms went off. I thought it was the people next to us, but regardless I was waiting for an associate to come look. Nobody ever came and people just stared. We decided to go ahead and leave because we knew we didn't steal. Something tells me to look through the bag just to make sure. I was just telling my mom that it would be ok if it was on the dress, but my luck it would be on the cardigan and as I pull out the cardigan I discovered it was on there and the alarm went off because the lady didn't remove the tag thingy. I was so embarrassed. I also found there was this pretty big stain on the bottom of the dress. It reminded me of mild sauce from Taco Bell. There was no disguising the stain either so not only did I have to walk back in the mall and set the alarm off again, I was now having to find a whole new dress and that was a big deal because I had already looked everywhere I knew to. I get my money back and here we go back to square one. We hit up Penny's again and I found something I could live with, the only problem was it was too short for my comfort. It hit right above my knee but after having Maddy my modesty has really flaired. I almost can't wear shorts or even sleeveless shirts...I make myself but it's very uncomfortable for me. I almost didn't get the dress but I had the bright idea to just buy some brown leggings to go under it. With the dress purchased we hit up the Sweet Frog. I am in love with that place! We were supposed to get make overs at Bare Minerals in the mall, go to Wal-Mart for groceries, and I wanted to go hunt for Maddy a dvd player for the car and me a gps for our Florida trip that is coming up. By the time we were done with our yogurt we were pretty much out of time. I was going to try to grab me a pair of shoes and get my leggings but there was just no way. It doesn't sound too horrible I know, but it was just like everything was going wrong that day and what I had planned is not at all what happened. I really enjoyed my day off and was so ready to pick up Maddy. Stay-at-home moms still have bad days, but I'd still rather have a bad day as a stay-at-home mom compared to a bad day at the office. I don't have a lot of pics to go with this post, but it needs something so I will post what I can find.
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