Happy Easter!!! I am so very thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then three days later he rose up from the grave. The Easter bunny visits this house and will for as long as she believes, but I try my best to explain Easter to her in a way that she understands. One tradition I grew up with and I'm sure many others did as well, is getting a new Easter dress to wear to church on Easter Sunday. This year Maddy picked her own dress out. I was unable to get a real good pic of it because today was kind of hectic lol. When Maddy woke up this morning it was just like any other morning to her, so I had to help her out and talk to her about the Easter bunny coming to visit her and leaving her a present. She looked really confused lol. I decided to leave her in pj's while she checked out her basket and as you will see did not fix her hair. I will never tell her she has to sit there and get fixed up before she can get to see what she has.
I realize these are fourth of july pj's, but I am learning more and more every day that the "Miss Independence" phrase is totally Maddy. She is one more independent girl and things better go the way she thinks they should when she thinks they should or look out.
I had to paint my nails this morning because I fell asleep last night without doing so. I painted them in Maddy's room and she sat and watched and asked lots of questions. I put the polish up and a few seconds later I noticed Maddy was in her mood and it dawned on me that she was wanting me to paint her nails. She sat super still while I painted her toes and they turned out so good. Thank goodness I had the quick dry kind because they dried in no time. We took pictures of all the kids in their dresses (my sister and her family came up to eat lunch with us and let her kids participate in the Easter egg hunt), but I don't have them just yet. Once I can get to them I will update this post. All the kids looked really pretty/handsome. Maddy did not want to stand up so I ended up in all the pics..oh boy haha. For lunch we had pork chops, mashed potatoes, Hawaiian rolls, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. My mom made a yummy cake for dessert
The colors were better in person...this was the best representation I could get on my camera. After lunch I changed Maddy again into her egg hunting outfit. I was so excited for her to try on a tutu and I'm in love with how it looked on her. Trying to get her to smile was impossible. She has been battling allergies since Friday morning and I think they have her feeling pretty icky. I will be posting about that sometime throughout the week. This was the best I could do...I still think she's pretty even without her smile :)
We headed out to play after trying to get her to smile. I got tickled at her because she had to stuff her tutu into her car and it just reminded me of a bride stuffing in her wedding dress. Thank goodness it was just a tutu and not a wedding dress
Once everybody was done eating we rounded up the kids for the Easter egg hunt. My sister was giving a few instructions before we let them go outside...Maddy listened very intently.
It was so cute. We thought we missed some eggs because our count wasn't coming out right. We kept telling Maddy to go find more eggs. Next thing I know she looked at me and said, "Be right back!" and she sat her basket down and headed inside. She came back out with her hands full of eggs she received from the Easter bunny and so proudly shouted, "I found more!!" She went back in for another round and then we realized we had all the eggs so it was time to dig in and see what was in them. After the egg hunt I took Maddy in one more time to change her clothes so she could play in comfort. Maybe fifteen minutes into her playing she was trying take off running to her car from the driveway and she ended up tripping and just fell so hard on her knees. Maddy does not cry when you would think she would...she really is a super tough girl and just picks herself right up and says I'm ok and carries on usually. When I saw/heard her fall I knew there was going to be instant tears. I expected to hear screaming, but she held it in and just cried and was trying to get some relief for her knees. I ended up just scooping her up and just felt so bad for her because for Maddy to cry like she was...I knew she was in some pain. We put neosporin(?) with the stuff for pain in it and then put band-aid's over both knees. She eventually said she was ok and went back to playing. It didn't even take a minute before she was crying saying her knees hurt. I just thought that yucky stomach bug made me feel helpless...this boo boo made me feel super helpless because she wanted to cuddle, but she couldn't because she was in so much pain and the look on her face looked like she was saying why aren't you helping me. She kept pulling her shorts down and just holding her knees. When she walked she would walk hunched over. She would not sit down. She would not play...she tried...but the pain was just too much. I tried taking the band-aid off but she would not let me. I tried taking her shorts off and again she would not let me. She didn't want her back rubbed or to be touched but she just kept crying saying, "owwww" and looking at me like get off my bed and do something! When she was just crying almost hysterically I just put her head in my face and loved on her through my hands. She liked that and let me stay there. To beat it all she had no nap today so she was also super tired. I wasn't able to give her a bath because her knee looks pretty bad. It looks a little swollen to me and I contemplated all day on whether I should take her to the doctor to get checked out just in case she messed something up on the inside. Getting her ready for bed took two to three people. I decided instead of forcing her to get her diaper changed and all that good stuff I would let her tell me when she was ready. I was beginning to think she would never give in, but she was exhausted and ready to go to sleep and in her own time she let me get her ready...with distractions of coarse. When it was time to get in bed she just sat on the edge of her bed. She tried a couple of times to scoot back in her bed, but she quickly came back to the edge of the bed and I left her sitting up. She somehow managed to go to sleep and has only woken up once. It will be interesting to see in the morning where I find her. If she still is in a lot of pain tomorrow then I am going to take her to the doctor because a scrape shouldn't cause that much pain...not to sit down and bend/straighten it. She kept trying to keep her foot off the ground, but I know her feet and ankles are okay because I was able to see them. Anyways. Our Easter kinda started out a little rough and instead of getting better it kinda got worse. I'm glad she was able to have some fun and get through the egg hunt but I feel so bad for her getting hurt like she did :(
Sunday, April 8, 2012
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