The main difference is I got long bangs and then got my layers touched up and angled a little more around the face. I love it! When I was done I went down to the food court to meet my mom and Maddy who decided to eat Chick-Fil-A. I don't think Maddy knew what to think because she just stared at me a minute. I asked her if she liked it and she slowly nodded yes lol. Maddy was so cute eating her bite bites that I had to snap some pics:
Her Nana was eating a chicken sandwich, so Maddy wanted to make her a sandwich. She put her chicken in between two fries and voila! They make sandwich's at her school all the time and I think she enjoys making them...makes her feel like a big girl :)
You can't go to the mall without doing a little bit of shopping. I already ordered Maddy's St. Patrick's Day outfit from Etsy (I am trying not to share the pic until she wears it, but I'm not sure how long I will last lol) but I decided to get her a shirt from the Children's Place that she can wear to school:
We had a few errands to run after we left the mall, but one of the most important ones included stopping by baskin robbins for some ice cream. Maddy got something new...she got the mini Oreo parfait. That thing is not so's pretty big, but she absolutely loved it! We had a long drive to Georgia and this is how Maddy spend the trip:
Yes, her leg is propped up on the seat and she is conked out! When we got home we played, played, played. Maddy let out an enormous "toot toot" that shocked us all coming out of that little body. Maybe about half an hour later I found out that huge toot toot was not what we was actually her having diarrhea. I know that is probably tmi, but oh well lol. She leaked through her diaper and I became worried that she might be getting sick. She laid around some Saturday night and you could tell by the look in her eye that she just was not feeling well at all.
Today we pretty much had a lazy, stay in pj's all day kinda day. I had plans of going to the stores to coupon, but when I took Manny out and felt how cold it was on top of the rain I decided it was best to just stay home and enjoy the day. I haven't been getting to bed until 1:30 a.m. and every morning I wake up wondering why I keep staying up too late. This morning was no exception. I was so ready for Maddy's nap time to come around so I could get a little more sleep, but I also didn't want to wish the day away. We played for most of the morning. I noticed she got cranky a lot faster today and was wondering if she was still not feeling ok. She crawled up on her bed and had that "I could really go to sleep right about now" look. I decided to check the time and it was only 10:47 a.m. She doesn't take her nap until noon. I went ahead and climbed in the bed with her and she held my hand and went straight to sleep. She slept for a really long time. She woke up twice but she ended up rolling over and going right back to sleep, which is not something she normally does. The third time she woke up had I not been ready to get up, I think she would have gone back to sleep again but I decided to go ahead and get us both up. I checked the time and it was 1:49 p.m. I was shocked she took a 3 hour nap. I heard her belly rumbling, so I think she has a touch of a tummy bug, but so far it isn't anything too bad.
I also think she is going through another mommy phase. The past two weeks at school she refuses to let me leave. It has gotten to the point to where she won't wash her hands because she knows mommy leaves soon after. She will plop herself down on the stool that they stand on and will just sit there and hold on to me. Her teacher has to literally pry her off me so I can leave and they can start the day. When it's time for bed, she no longer will let me leave her room like she used to. Now I have to stay in there until she falls asleep, otherwise she will cry all night long for me. Tonight I stayed in by her bed for a while, then decided to try to leave once she started drinking her milk again. She sat straight up and said, 'Hugs" but I told her to go night night and she went on to bed. In the car a lot of times out of no where she will reach her arms out at me and say, "Hug." I would love nothing more than to be able to be a stay at home mom. I know it's very tiring, but I think it's totally worth it. I'm already ready for next weekend :)
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