As we entered into 2012 I quickly realized what my focus of the year would be...Maddy of coarse. I know that sounds really strange because as her mom I should always be focused on Maddy no matter what year it is...and I assure you she has always been my focus. I am entering in a new journey as a parent and wanted to share. As I've posted before last year my mom got me this calender that had encouraging messages on it called Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On. This year she got me a daily calender called The Power of a Praying Parent. I am constantly questioning myself...did I make the right decision, did I handle the problem ok, etc. I question myself even more when people tell me I should have done this or I need to do that. I'll never forget when I first had her and took her to Babies R Us. I had her wrapped in a blanket and then put her in my coat and the cashier told me I was freezing her. Little did that cashier know Maddy is a hot natured child and she would just pour sweat and fuss if I dressed her too warm. There was plenty of body heat to keep her warm and it really upset me when the cashier said something. Another time was at the mall...Maddy would not keep socks on no matter what. I had her in her stroller and this woman comes up to me and said, "You need to get some socks on that poor's cold!" I just kinda laughed it off but there again...what right did she have to tell me what is best for my child? I've had several people try to tell me what I need to do with Maddy and it's quite frustrating. I began to wonder if this only happened to me but apparently once you become a parent it just gives the whole world the right to tell you how to raise your child. I've decided to tune out the rest of the world and listen to the only one that matters...Jesus. I hope that I can become a consistent praying parent and I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this year. It's amazing watching Maddy grow and see her become her own person. She is so super smart and funny and of coarse she is just beautiful! She gave me a compliment the other day and it just made me want to cry. Her exact words were, "Mama pretty" Talk about just wanting to cry lol. I am going to add some random pics of Maddy just because :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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I go through the same thing! It's difficult to tune others out at times, but well worth it. You know your child and you know what's best! You have proof: Your little girl is doing awesome and is healthy! You couldn't ask for more!