Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I was listening to a shuffle of my Pandora stations and this song came on and it instantly burdened my heart. I have always loved this song and band for that matter, but it just struck a chord tonight. I think it hit me like it did because I have so much I want to say but can't say, but this is something I can say so I'm going to. This song touches on a few issues we have in the world today...bullying, suicide, pain, cutting. One part in particular has always stuck out to me because it is so true..."all of us just sat back and watched it happened..." Have you ever seen someone get bullied at school and you just stand there and do nothing about it? Have you said mean things to someone? Do you know someone who is depressed and you didn't take time to talk to them? Unfortunately I can answer yes to some of these. I have also been the victim of people knowing things and doing nothing about them. What does it take for people to start speaking up for the ones who can't for whatever reason, especially children? That question includes me because like other people I have not been that "hero" that I could have been. Our world has turned so cold- hearted and selfish that people aren't as willing to help other people. This song shows the more extreme circumstances, but it can even be about more simple things. What about that single parent who needs help with their car, or that widow who needs their lawn mowed, or that family who has become homeless because they lost their job, or that child who is being abused whether physically or emotionally. Are we just going to stand there and watch things happen? That two year old in China that got ran over twice is a prime example of what I'm talking about...the amount of people that just walked by as that child lay there covered in blood in the middle of the street. How could anyone do that? I think most people here in America would probably call 9-1-1 if they saw a child bleeding in the middle of the street, but would people here be willing to stand up and befriend a person when every one else is making fun of them? Is it really most people's philosophy that you made your bed now you have to lie in it? Just because someone messes up or makes a mistake, does that mean they don't deserve any help? Basically we need to be more like Jesus and reach out to people...especially those in need. We need to stop telling ourselves that it isn't our problem and start helping each other out. One area I plan to always try to help other people out on is single parenting. I will never forget the challenges a single parent faces. If I come in contact with a single parent I will def try my best to help him or her out. It is my prayer that Maddy will never be a single parent, but if she becomes one for whatever reason, I will have a better understanding of the help she may need as a single parent. I know the amount of pressure single parents feel where jobs are concerned because if we lose our job...who's gonna take care of our children? I know what it's like not to be able to finish school because I don't have enough help with Maddy and I learned the hard way that apparently sleep really is a necessity or you will become stuck in bed for a week at a time sick. Something most all mom's can understand is that pressure to be perfect because we always have people telling us what we should or shouldn't do with OUR child as if they can do a better job. Ok, so I kind of went off on a parenting rant...i really have so much to say in this area, but I will move on because this isn't about parenting in particular. It's just a reminder that people have feelings even if they don't act like it and we should try our best to reach out to people in need, myself included. I think superchick did a fantastic job with this song and I am very thankful for the reminder to love other people and carry their burdens for them instead of acting like it's not my problem...because it is.
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