I'm not at all ready for my long weekend to end! My weekend started Wednesday at 12:52 p.m. I was able to get a very small workout in and then off to run some errands before I picked Maddy up from school. I decided to take advantage of any sales going on and headed to Toys R Us to pick up some more of Maddy's Christmas. I was surprised it wasn't more crowded than it was, but I was very thankful. I picked Maddy up early and we were headed to home to start our wonderful weekend. We listened to a local radio station that is playing nonstop Christmas music and it just made me so excited that the Christmas season is here once again. Thursday morning Maddy I thought was resting up for a very long day because at 8:41 she was still laying in bed...this child is up around 7 a.m. no matter what. When I went in to say good morning and happy thanksgiving I noticed she didn't look "normal." She didn't want anything to do with my happiness and just wanted to be left alone. I then heard her sinuses and realized she must have had a sore throat. I felt so bad for her. Once she got up and moved around a bit she acted like she felt some better, but still not great. I almost didn't go to Thanksgiving, but she wasn't running a fever and she wasn't acting like she was just miserable so we went ahead and went. We had lunch at my grandmother's at 1:00 p.m. Here are some pics from that:
By the end of the night she was plum exhausted. I had every intention of going to Wal-Mart to do some black Friday shopping at midnight, but I myself was plum exhausted and fell asleep. I woke up at 12:48 a.m. but I was so out of it there was no way I could have functioned. Friday we went shopping with my mom and step dad. Maddy loves riding in my step dad's truck and that is the one time she doesn't mind getting in her seat lol. We went to Lowe's and Sams and then back home. My mom is updating the house and has some goals to accomplish before Christmas. She had to rip wallpaper off my bathroom and the kitchen and is going to paint both plus the living and dining room. This coming Saturday she is having hardwood floors put in the living and dining room. It has turned out to be quite a task but it's very exciting. Friday night we loaded back up in the truck to go to Rock City to see all the Christmas lights. Last year Maddy just wanted to go go go and it was more than exhausting. This year I had planned on getting a backpack to wear that she could sit in, but it cost $100 and I just couldn't pay it right now. I remembered I had a backpack thing that she wears and I hold on to so I decided to give it a try. I have to say that I don't care what people think (I used to say I would never put my child in one prior to having one because it looks like they are a dog...I just didn't know lol) that thing was a lifesaver. Maddy is not one to hold hands...she is an "I do it myself" kind of person. This backpack allows her to feel free, but gives mommy peace of mind in knowing that she isn't just going to take off and something happen to her. It worked like a charm and whereas she still just wanted to go and not pay attention to the lights...it was nowhere near like last year. She would stop a little and look at some but she just wanted to walk more than anything. She did have some meltdowns, but it's a really long walk for a toddler. We were there almost 3 hours. Here are the pictures from the trip:
We went with my aunt and uncle and their granddaughter Aria who is only 8 months younger than Maddy.
Oops, forgot to rotate them lol
You can tell Maddy has had enough...this is one of the spots she had a meltdown last year...I figured it must be the halfway point :)
I had to hurry and take this pic because we unknowingly cut in front of someone and they were quick to let us know. My mom apologized to the man but he just didn't care...it was kinda ridiculous
We made it all the way through and mommy was soooo happy it went much better than last year. I felt like we accomplished something lol
Maddy with her Nana and Pops in the gift shop
Here is Maddy having one of her moments...
Saturday me and Maddy worked. Maddy really enjoyed herself and played by herself some too which is a huge thing in itself because she has never played by herself. She would sit in the room I was in and play near me, of coarse checking out was going on as well. I had a lot of papers to shred and she enjoyed helping me, but didn't understand why she couldn't touch. Her Pops was busy painting the foyer and hall, her Nana was busy clearing out the office/her playroom to get ready to paint it today, and I was busy cleaning out my stuff in the office/playroom as well as going through other stuff around the house. Maddy did so well and understood that she couldn't touch the walls and was very careful. She ate lots of fruit and did lots of playing. Once she went to bed I started my room and stayed up till 2:00 a.m. trying to finish it. I didn't quite make it but oh well. Today I hope to get my room finished, Maddy's laundry done, as well as go to some stores to get a few items I need. I've also been busy shopping on Zulily, but will make that it's own post. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Maddy and I really enjoyed spending time together and I am so very thankful that she is in my life. I love being her mommy and am so thankful God her to me...she is truly a blessing and a gift.
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