Me and Maddy did some Christmas shopping today. This time last year I knew exactly what I wanted to get her, this year has been a little different. I've known since before her birthday that she would be getting a power operated car from santa, but other than that I had no idea. My original goal was to have her Christmas shopping done by now so I wouldn't have to get out in that holiday traffic mess...especially since last year I can't tell you the number of wrecks we were almost involved in because people just get plum crazy! Time has gotten away from me and I just didn't plan financially to figure out when to buy what. I have lots of ideas of things I want for her now after looking at Toys R Us online and am in full swing Christmas planning mode. Here is the car santa is bringing for her...she must have been extra good this year hehe ;)

I'm the type of person that when I get real excited about something I have to tell everybody about it. Today we played outside and she has a lil snugbug push car that she can ride in. It's the kind where they push with their feet like Fred Flintstone. Anyways, she likes to go in the grass but she isn't strong enough to push herself so I have to push her. The entire time I was thinking about how I couldn't wait for her to get her new car and hopefully it will work in the grass and she won't have to be pushed anymore. I'm so excited about this car because she loves to pretend to go get bite bites like me and her do's so cute! I originally wanted the Escalade for her but I think the price is ridiculous and this car is half the price and pretty much does everything the Escalade did. Needless to say come Christmas we will be outside pretty much the whole day lol.
I also got her a storytime pad

I really don't know how well she will like this because she has other leapfrog toys that basically do the same thing. Since she was with me she got to test it out and she played with it a while in her stroller, but it's a new toy so it's more exciting...we will see how much this really gets played with lol.
I bought her a few stocking stuffers and got her wrapping paper. I always let her pick out her paper and the choices were between Thomas the Train, Dora, or Elmo..surprisingly she chose Dora. The other things I want to get her are a 3-in-1 art easel, learn through music pad, play kitchen, a reading system called tag jr, and a doll accessory kit that has the pack n play, stroller, activity mat, and bouncy seat for her baby. I also already have her a baby that will crawl. I think that will be her Christmas from mommy and santa. I just love Christmas!!! (Not because of all the presents though...just want to make that clear because it kinda seems that is the reason with how I ended this )