Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Never Grow Up
This morning Maddy was not ready to get up, which caused her to be quite moody. I completely understand how she feels on these mornings. I realized later on today that I felt sad and as I sat there trying to figure out what was wrong with me it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had just watched Maddy's slideshow I made and the song by Taylor Swift-Never Grow Up really got to me lol. I then realized or I think this is the case anyways that me and Maddy didn't really get any cuddle time in this morning. I started missing Maddy like crazy today and that is the only logical explanation I could figure out. I am beginning to realize just how much she is growing up and it does make me a little sad as it does most moms, but I'm not so sure if most moms feel sad about their kids growing up at THIS age lol. For some reason I feel like a lot is changing in life and in a way I am ready to throw on the brakes and say whoa horsey! There isn't really a whole lot changing per say...there is...but there isn't. It amazes me just how much Maddy is growing and how much of an independent little girl she is becoming. She drinks from cups without lids now...no I don't let her do this in the car or when we are eating out. I am working still on passy. Tonight just happened to be a blessing because her passy clip hurt her foot real bad...I really don't know what happened. I know she stepped on it but what I'm unsure of is if it pinched her foot closed in it or if she just stepped on something sharp. Either way she was not very happy with her passy afterwards and I used that to my advantage. I told her passy just needed to be thrown away. It was funny the look she gave me because she wanted to throw passy but at the same time she just wasn't sure about giving it up. She made sure to tell it no several times and then she finally decided to throw it in the trash. Her version of throwing passy...and only passy...in the trash is sitting it on top of the lid. She is in bed without passy and so far is doing great. She not once asked for it. I would so love to just take passy now while she is mad at it but I don't think taking passy in the middle of a school week is very good for her. I was going to start taking it this weekend and instead of throwing it away I plan to only let her use it for nap and bed time. Anyways, that should have been a different post. Bottom line is I really missed Maddy a whole bunch today and and this song is a song I will sing to her a bunch because I don't want her to grow up too fast even though she already is. Before I do I have to say it was very exciting tonight because Maddy finally used the potty at home tonight for the first time. She has gone at school a couple of times but never at home (and that is my fault) but tonight I caught her just at the right time and voila. I had mini m&m's for her which she really enjoys but she decided she would rather eat a whole apple instead of chocolate lol. This child will sit and eat an apple as if she has done it all her life. She ate one starting last year and she just sinks her teeth into it, peel and all, and just eats it like an adult would. She amazes me everyday.
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