Olive Garden knows how to do their kids menu and actually have very realistic looking pictures of the food. They are the only place I can usually get Maddy to point to tell me what she wants. She chose a kid favorite...macamoni aka macaroni and cheese. I can't find a picture of it right now so I will skip that. We then piled in the car and went to try to get my phone with no such luck. Then off to watch some Friday night football. As we drove up I heard the band playing and tears came to my eyes unexpectedly. I used to be in the band and it was so much fun and something I really miss doing. I was very surprised Maddy did as well as she did, but she just sat in my lap and watched football. When the player got hurt I think she got worried about him. She also enjoyed the music the band played. Her cousin Aria enjoyed the band in a whole other spectrum than Maddy. Maddy wanted to watch the action on the field and Aria was all about watching the band and nothing else. I quickly realized the minute I stepped out of the car just how much I have grown myself. I wasn't worried about being embarrassed like I used to be ten years ago. I didn't care that I had no make-up on and was basically wearing mom clothes lol. When we walked through the gates it was nothing but teenagers saying all kinds of cuss words and I realized that I would never be ready for Maddy to go to high school. Teenagers are faced with so much throughout high school and I decided in my head that maybe I would home school her lol. I wasn't able to get a whole lot of pictures because Maddy was in my lap most of the time but I got a couple.
It was homecoming night
middle & high school were some crazy years of our lives....i've not gone back to my schools but i'm sure if i did i would be emotional too...schools are so different nowadays...with the three teenagers i have its been difficult to deal with the awful schools, i wish i could homeschool them......i had the same thought to home school Neil ...let sees what really happens!