Sunday was a bittersweet day for me. I was beyond exhausted on this trip, but at the same time I was enjoying being away from everything that I did not want the trip to end. Since Sunday was just a travel day on the ship, me and Maddy slept in until 10:56 a.m. Do you know how good that felt??? Once we woke up we got ready and hunted down Nana. We finally found her...she was at the waterpark. Maddy had her usual breakfast, a big bowl of fruit. Maddy ate fruit as if it were going out of style or something. I realized either on Saturday or Sunday that I made a huge mistake in not checking Maddy's suitcase before we left because she had no shorts...only tops. The only bottoms she had were the ones she came with, which were black capri leggings and a pair of long white leggings. I remembered I was supposed to have packed her shorts the night before we left because at the time I packed her suitcase we were still in short weather and she does not have enough shorts to pack for 4 days and still have some to wear to school. I was not very happy with myself but what can ya do that many miles away? So after breakfast we hit up the waterpark. The water was so cold in the beginning. Luckily Nana is a trooper and took Maddy out in it. It was a perfect place for Maddy because they had just a tad of water to wade through and then they had the slides for the adults, the teenagers, and the little kids. Maddy went down the little kid slide one time but I don't think she cared for it because at the end the water splashes in your face. I have a video of her sliding down that I will have to add later as my camera is in my car at the moment. We stayed at the waterpark about an hour or so. We had to leave because Maddy needed a diaper change and was also getting hungry. So we pack up and leave thinking we would return, but Maddy had other plans so me and Maddy took a nap while Nana went back out. After our nap it was time to start getting ready for dinner. We didn't wake up until 6:00 p.m. which is when our dinner time was so we did not eat in the main dining room. We went to the buffet on the Lido deck. Maddy had some kind of seafood penne pasta, which was really gross in my opinion lol, and some baked potato and some bread. I had salad, meatloaf, some baked potato and that was all. For dessert we tried some cakes that were absolutely horrible. Maddy ended up eating more fruit and then her pops took her back to the room to watch a movie while me and my mom had our last night out. I really enjoyed the last night out. We spent it getting in our last minute pictures and buying last minute souvenirs. After we were done we had to head back to our rooms to get our luggage out by 11:00 p.m. We also had to fill out a U.S. customs form which I really have no idea why that was really necessary because they didn't even check it really when we went through on Monday.
Monday was one long waiting day and Maddy was not having any part of it. We ate breakfast around 7:30 which she really enjoyed. After breakfast we went back to our rooms to get our stuff and then headed out to the hall because we had to be out of our rooms by 8:30 a.m. We let Maddy walk around thinking it would help pass time with waiting, but she was only having that for a short time. It then became a "lets run away from mommy game and laugh". She was starting to get in her mood where nothing made her happy and she would just go into fits for the littlest thing so I decided she should go in her stroller and be strolled. My thought process was that she would fall asleep but boy was I wrong. I tried to stroll her some, but she would bow her back in her stroller and stop the stroller with her feet so I stayed close by my mom for back up in case I needed it lol. Two little girls from Costa Rica wanted to help Maddy so they came over to look and smile and be cute lol. We found out that they were headed to Disney on Tuesday and would be there the week. I was amazed that someone could afford to go straight from a cruise to Disney. Can I have whatever job you have please? Maddy started to be ugly towards them so their aunt called them back over to her to keep them from making Maddy more angry than she already was. My mom decided to take her in a more secluded area to try to help her out. She got calmed down but did not fall asleep. So we are finally called to get off the ship and get our luggage and go through customs. I felt weird going through customs because they are uniformed and wearing latex gloves as if we are contagious or something and they don't really speak to you...they just stand there and I guess expect you to know exactly what to do. I assumed it was just the customs form and he took it and then held his hand out. I was like ok....not really sure what else you need here lol. He finally pointed to my license and birth certificates and I was like OH lol. So we get out of the customs building and hop over to the bus that is taking us to the airport. It was a nice bus ride because the driver was funny and he decided to give us a mini tour that I don't think the other passengers really cared about. He talked about some of the buildings we were seeing and a little about the history of the port and things like that. We saw the future home of the Florida Marlins and also saw the Miami Dolphins stadium. Once we arrived at the airport he gave us some good advice and suggested if we had alcohol that was not in our suitcase we needed to put it in as soon as we got off because they would make you throw it away otherwise. This one woman had a case of alcohol that she had no idea how she was going to get it in her suitcase. She apparently did because I saw her later without it in her hand lol. I'm not sure the exact time we arrived at the airport but when I saw the clock it was 11:35 a.m. We could not check in our luggage until 2 because our flight wasn't until 5:11. Maddy was asleep in my mom's arm thankfully and slept most of the time away. She woke up around 1 and then her and pops went to go get some snacks. After she got done eating oreos she was ready to walk around so off we went until she tried the whole escape thing again. She thinks it's funny when we start chasing her so I really need to figure it out to where I am not chasing her. I decided to get her attention to the palm tree and then we sang ring around the rosy until time to check in our luggage. Once we got checked in we headed over to a Chili's to go and we all got hamburgers. That burger was so good because I was sooo hungry lol. After lunch we headed over to our gate to do nothing but wait...and wait...and wait. Me and Maddy went to find a gift shop that I saw when we were there previously but I could not find it this time. My mom decided to walk with us to see if we could find something and we sure enough did. My mom bought Maddy a Dora Magnet book that is perfect for the plane and car. I got her an Elmo that she spotted a mile away. That little Elmo was $9.99 I was just completely shocked because it is a little old thing lol. On our way back to our seats my mom noticed our flight was cancelled. I was beginning to panic because I saw work flash before my eyes. I have no more vacation and if we didn't get home on Tuesday I was in some serious trouble. We found out our plane was having mechanical troubles and they booked us on another flight that didn't leave until 6:25 p.m. By this time i was just over our vacation and ready to be home. It was 4:40 p.m. and understandably Maddy was starting to melt down. To spare repetitive details let it be known that Maddy pitched many a huge fits while waiting. We were finally able to board our plane and Maddy was just so over it that she didn't care she was on a plane. She wanted up or she would want to go or she would just start crying over something else. Getting her in her seat and buckled was almost impossible. I was nervous over feeling sick as well as I knew we would be flying in storms and that is scary to me because the plane will just drop sometimes and it just feels like you are going to crash. I am also used to being able to ask my mom if certain noises are normal and what not because I haven't really flown a whole lot and she has. It makes me nervous to think about the what ifs that can happen on a plane and thinking about Maddy and her safety. We were ready for take off and I really enjoyed our pilot. He gave us a pretty smooth flight and once we hit a few bumps almost immediately came on the speaker to assure us everything was okay. I felt much better and I also did not feel sick at all. Maddy was having problems with the noise on this flight and wanted the plane to stop. It was a busy flight as far as keeping Maddy occupied and not screaming and she almost lost it and went into a full fledge screaming fit but was saved by my mom letting her use her earphones to hear the music. I was just so very thankful she had them. We got in our car around 10:00 p.m. or a little after and prepared for our 2 hour drive home. Maddy got into her bed around 12:30 a.m. and I felt horrible because she had to wake up at 7:30 a.m. that morning to get ready for school. She was so completely worn out and if I had the vacation I would have let her stay home to get rested up and have some chill time in her comfortable surroundings. All in all our trip was up and down but we did have a nice time and it is something I would do again even with Maddy being at this age. I might consider letting her go to the kid room where they have toys for her age next time, but I at least know a little more what to expect. I will add pictures and video later so sorry this is so long with nothing to break it up for now.
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