My week just feels like one constant stretch of bad day after bad day. This week started with some flooding around our town due to tropical storm Lee. The rain caused me to lose a $10 coupon I had because I did not want to get Maddy out in the bad weather. On top of a high dollar coupon expiring, I ended up with the stomach flu. Today is my first real day of feeling better and completely fever free. My poor mom has had the same kind of week and I added to her pile by seeing if she could get Maddy for me on Tuesday. Thankfully she was able to do so because I felt so puny! My mom and step-dad took Maddy out on a dinner date to O'Charley's. She had a hamburger and fries. Since I have been feeling so bad this week I didn't take one look at school but remembered I had something due on Wednesday. I tried so hard to complete the assignment but around midnight I just couldn't hold my eyes open anymore and my throat and ears started hurting pretty bad and then I took my fever and fever decided to return. Trying to work with a 102.6 fever is basically pointless so not only am I being questioned on why I did this and that at work and why I'm not meeting my numbers, I started this week out not meeting because I couldn't sit for any length of time. I know I am kind of all over the place right now so let me try to sum this up: Monday...woke up to flooding rains, lost a $10 coupon, was completely exhausted the entire day then I became sick and realized why I had been so tired, Tuesday...first day back to work for the week due to Labor day, my manager is on me about last week's numbers, running a fever, extremely nauseous and had to lay down for most of the day, got way behind in this week's numbers, had to get my mom to get Maddy and take care of her. Wednesday...Woke up with a horrible headache...started feeling some better and was able to sit up without getting sick...still did not meet my numbers at work, fever went back up, got a zero on my school assignment. Now here we are to Thursday. I at least made my numbers but I needed to produce a higher number. I will find out tomorrow if I met what my personal goal was, which is just what I was behind split in half. I have tons of school to make up and I'm still so tired. Now for a more positive outlook. One thing that has helped me get through this week is knowing that in exactly two weeks from today me and Maddy and my mom and step-dad will be headed down to Atlanta, GA to catch a plane to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We will spend the night in Ft. Lauderdale and then when we wake up Friday we will catch a shuttle to miami to jump on our ship that is taking us out of this country!!!! I am soooo excited. I am praying the weather cooperates. Maddy already has some of her suitcase packed and this weekend I will probably go ahead and pack her clothes. Here in TN our weather is starting to cool down some. We are still going to have some warm days, but I don't think Maddy will need two more months of summer clothes so I am starting to put some away. I have another post that I may try to do tonight after I work on school some, but if I don't have time tonight then def tomorrow because I am really struggling with my emotions right now. Thank you for taking time to listen to my ramblings and I will end by posting a video of Maddy.
Here is what our house is like when the cousins come over to play. All their hair had the just got out of bed look to it because it was the day after fourth of july and we were all exhausted lol.
I try to film in short segments so I can post on here without boring everybody. I sometimes get carried away in trying to get her to do something that I forget about the time. I don't know how to edit my video's to shorten the time of them so you may just want to watch the first 30 seconds of this one. One of these days I will get the hang of all this editing stuff lol
This shows more of Maddy's personality. I love how she says, "No!" and that's usually how she says it all the time unless she is really mad, then she screams no or just lays in the floor screaming and kicking. Right after she hit her car with her golf club if you look closely you can see her trying not to smile when I said, "Ouch!" I've never known a child that would intentionally try not to smile or laugh...she has done that for quite some time now and she looks like my uncle, mom, and me when she does cute!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
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