We knew we wanted to do something in the Bahamas but we had a little difficulty finding something that would be fun for us and be ok for Maddy at the same time. We decided on the Discover Atlantis excursion. We got an hour of guided tours in the Atlantis and then we were able to walk around on our own. We went by bus to the hotel because the lady at guest services said there isn't as much walking. I didn't realize I could bring Maddy's stroller so we ended up carrying her the entire time. Thank goodness my step dad can hold her because she is getting heavy. He was able to hold her most of the time and then me and my mom also had our turns holding her as well. Here is the Atlantis hotel from the bus:
yes, some of my pictures are crooked because I was in a hurry to just snap lol. Anyways, the tour guide was really good and she was humorous at times and very knowledgeable. I couldn't hear all of what she said, but it seemed very interesting and something I would like to do again once Maddy is older. They had amazing sculptures in the hotel. I will show you the rest of the hotel pics now.
We also got to see the aquarium which was really neat as well.
Considering the length of the tour and the fact that she was carried the entire time Maddy did exceptionally well. She had a few fussy moments which is to be expected but my step dad just took her out for a minute and she was fine. After the guided tour part was over we were going to grab some food before exploring on our own. My step dad was going to get it while me, my mom, and Maddy shopped around in the stores. I was so excited because I was wanting to get something for Maddy from the Bahamas. On our way to the shops a local man came up to us and held his arms at toward Maddy and said, "Come, you go with me" I really didn't know what to think about him because he seemed really nice and I am pretty sure he was a chef at a restaurant nearby but I also feared someone trying to take Maddy on this trip so I smiled and looked at Maddy and Maddy just looked at him like what are you doing lol. I was thankful both me and my mom were holding her hands that way she couldn't take off very easily. He kept telling her to go with him and then walked off. Once he walked off Maddy turned around and said, "Bye bye" He then turned around and said, "Bye bye baby...bye bye" It was a little unnerving. Soon after that my step dad came back and said it was going to be an hour and a half wait and it was already 3:30 and our dinner time was 6:00 so we decided to just go back to the boat to get ready. They had some really cute things in the market place but I knew how important it was for Maddy to get her nap in before dinner and I was tired too so I decided to just keep moving lol. Once we got to the ship it was starting to rain again and that was some cold rain. They had to xray our bags again and walk through metal detectors and then we were once again on board Carnival's Imagination. We took a short nap and were up once again to try dinner out. We got all fancied up and Maddy really looked beautiful in her dress. She is a little girl now and it is just unreal. Here are a few pics of us dressed up:
Since she missed her actual birthday dinner, they waited until she was feeling better to sing happy birthday to her. I have to say that cake was the most amazing thing I had put in my mouth. It was chocolate with a light mousse and the combination just flowed. Maddy was a little unsure of the cake and singing but I think she liked it deep down. I want to show you the pic they took of us during dinner but want to add the photographer did not have his settings right as we are washed out.
Maddy did much better during this dinner and the staff was super sweet with her and very patient and very understanding. I really appreciated their kindness because most people want to get rid of kids and not deal with them. After dinner we headed back to the room to change into more comfortable clothes. Me, my mom, and Maddy went exploring on the ship again and got me and Maddy some soft serve chocolate ice cream. She had her first ice cream come but didn't like the cone. My mom enjoyed some fruit. Maddy was exhausted by this point and her attitude and temper showed it. She was carried back to her room kicking and screaming. We settled in for the night and off to sleep we went. I will try to finish talking about the cruise this weekend :)