They took x-rays of both hips, legs, and feet and she laid perfectly still throughout the entire thing. She was curious about the light and the sounds she heard but I was so proud of her. I didn't find out the results until the next day but they came back just fine. The nurse told me they were going to send her for a MRI but since she was putting weight on it and seemed to be just fine they decided not to. If Maddy has anymore problems similar to this episode her doctor will more than likely refer her to an orthopedic. She did limp a little on Tuesday at daycare, but since then she has been just fine. I want to say thank you to everybody who prayed for her because I feel everybody's prayers made her better.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Maddy's Adventure
I knew coming into this week it was going to be a rough one because I had a rough draft due Wednesday that had to be 2,000 words on top of working my normal overtime, which by the way is mandatory. I did not know, however, just how bad it was going to get. I went to wake Maddy up at 7:30 on Monday morning as I do every other week day morning. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me other than the fact that she was taking a little longer to get out of bed. I didn't think anything of it because when I went to get her she was fixing to go back to sleep. I always climb in her bed and lay down because invariably she will tell me to "get up." I climbed in her bed as I do almost every morning and she decided to get down. I heard her fall, but she is usually a little unsteady in the morning. I heard her get up and saw her try to walk and then saw her fall again. This time when she fell she started crying, which I was unsure as to why she was crying because she didn't hit anything. I walked over to her and hugged her and then picked her up to get her clothes for the day. By this time I had a funny feeling about her, but I decided I was just being paranoid and figured she'd get up and walk just fine once she got dressed. I wanted to relieve my fears so I stood her up and noticed she was unable to walk...when she tried she would fall. The way she would move her leg made me immediately think it was something neurological. I carried her into the kitchen to finish getting her ready and saw my mom walk by so I decided to tell her I thought something was wrong. I sat Maddy down and my mom saw what I was talking about. By this time Maddy was limping so I decided to call the doctor. I had so many thoughts going through my head and it was all I could to keep from breaking down because she was struggling and I was scared it was something serious. All morning she couldn't walk. I tried getting her too but she just couldn't do it. By the time we were ready to go to the doctor's that little stinker started walking. I was glad to see her walk but was unsure if I should continue to go to the doctor. I decided to keep her appointment because she was still limping here and there. The doctor checked her out and then wanted to see her walk. She ran just fine and the doctor was like she's running fine. Then we tried one more time and this time Maddy started limping. I was relieved the doctor saw this and didn't think I was just crazy. Her doctor decided she needed to have an x-ray to make sure there were no fractures because toddler fractures are common. Hearing Maddy needed an x-ray made me want to cry all over again because I expected to come in and hear she was fine and go home. After spending what seemed like an eternity in the x-ray waiting room it was finally Maddy's turn. They had an arm bracelet for her that I have kept and will put in her scrapbook. She laid on a table like this
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I have been so worried about her! I'm just thankful it wasn't anything terrible. Praise the Lord!