On August 23 my baby girl will be 23 months. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I can remember a lot of what I was doing this time last year, gearing up for her first birthday. If I had the money I definitely would have gone overboard for her first party, but not because I think I have to or that "material" stuff makes her happy. I would have because I really enjoy being a festive person and decorating as much as possible for anything. I haven't been in too much of a hurry to plan her birthday this year. I was originally going to go with a pink and brown theme because those were her nursery colors, but I have since found a dog theme. That is just perfect for her because she is a huge dog lover. I wanted to write about all the things Maddy can do before her 2nd birthday, so here we go. Before I start, when Maddy went to the doctor on Monday she weighed 22 lbs. I am actually concerned she has lost a little weight because that was with clothes and shoes and everything else on. When they weigh her for her normal check-up she has nothing on and last time she went she weighed 22 lbs. Her 2 year check-up is on September 28 so I am hoping she will have gained some weight by then.
Maddy can:
- walk/run
- feed herself
- drink from a cup
- use a straw
- tell me when she is "dirty"
- can sometimes put her own shirt on
- stack blocks
- say hi, bye, no, i love you, teeth, dirty, baby, doggy, passy, bottle, drink, bite bite, nose, eye, mouth, knee, feet, toes, bath, duck, horse, cow, pig, bird, neigh, meow, ruff ruff, moo, quack quack, tweet tweet, bird, tv, elmo, book, fork, mommy, daddy, nana, pops, misty, manny, toaby, treat, outside, car, blankie, shoe, sock, up, help, off, sit, please, thank you, bed, light, couch, bubble, boat, bus, truck, head, knee, row, merrily, happy, sad, mad, shy, yuck, chocolate, more, hat, diaper, belly...I'm sure I'm forgetting a few words but this is all I can remember
- point to animals and make the appropriate sounds
- she can almost count to 3
- use a touchscreen phone to look at pictures on mommy's phone
- say a two word sentence such as pop's hat
These are the main things Maddy does. She is an extremely active child and is beyond smart. I am in some serious trouble when she gets a little older because I think she will be able to out smart me lol.
Maddy is a great mom to her baby. She has been from the day she picked a baby up. She recently decided she needed to start changing her baby's diapers like mommy does to her. I thought this was so cute and had to snap a picture. It looks like Maddy will be getting some baby accessories for her birthday this year :)
Here she is today. Can you tell she had been eating? She has had this toy ever since she tried walking. I recently showed her that she can sit on it or push it so now I am constantly lowering and rising it lol.
Maddy absolutely loves books. I bought her this puppy book because I thought she would really enjoy getting to feel the things inside. She was so excited when she first saw it, but now it is old news so it's not AS exciting lol. Maddy is getting good at remembering how the stories go because she knows what is coming before we turn the page on at least one of her books, Dora.
I think I will save the rest of the pictures for another post so this doesn't become way too long like many of my posts do :)