It's hard to believe my week off has finally ended and I must say that I am struggling greatly with the thought of getting back into the every day routine of work :( Monday I got to spend some time with baby Aiden and hold him some. We went out to eat at Olive Garden and got ourselves in trouble because we got to laughing so hard I think the waiter's thought we were drunk, but we weren't drinking alcohol. I wanted to tell them oh yes we are drunk, but drunk off sleep deprivation and stress. Tuesday I spent watching a little tv and then went to go get my phone fixed. Luckily my phone's software just needed to be upgraded and a new battery. Then I had to meet up with Maddy's dad for a little bit and while I waited I looked around at the mall. I was able to get Maddy started a little bit on her fall wardrobe. I generally only buy clothes that are on sale unless it is an emergency situation or it comes from WalMart. My favorite store to shop for Maddy is JcPenny. They have the cutest clothes for a great price. After JcPenny I end up at the OshKosh store in Calhoun, GA. Sometimes they have really good sales and other times it's not so great. I think the key is if it is in between seasons or fixing to change seasons it's hard to find a good bargain. My favorite store whether it is on sale or not is The Children's Place. They have some of the cutest clothes, but considering Maddy is growing so fast I just don't see the need to pay full price there, except for a time when I have a little extra money. Here are some of her outfits I got at Penny's.
The pants are purple to match the hearts and says "love" on the top.
I also got her a pair of khaki's and some black leggings and pink leggings. Wednesday I was supposed to hang out at the pool all day because I can't "get my tan on" with an active toddler but I also had to clean out my car and get my school done so I could enjoy this weekend, so I opted out of going to the pool and stayed home all day. Thursday me and Maddy played all day and went to the store to get a few things such as food for that day and me a camera bag for my camcorder that I hardly used on this trip lol. Friday we also stayed home and played except for when she needed a nap. She helped me mop the kitchen floor and unload the dishwasher and pack for our Pigeon Forge weekend. After Maddy went to bed I stayed up the rest of the night (after a quick 20 min. nap) packing us for the weekend and attempting to get the kitchen clean...I did not manage to do the last part but got a head start on it anyways. Here are some pictures of Maddy playing:
Ok so this isn't Maddy playing but I wanted to show her appetite. There is no getting a kids meal with Maddy because her metabolism is so high she can eat a big girls meal. She normally gets a beefy cheesy burrito from Taco Bell and can eat a good 3/4 of it by herself. Here she is eating a burrito supreme.
Yes, I realize St. Patty's day is over but it's a waste of money to only use the bib one day so I use them year round :)
There were actually cheerio's in the bucket and she loves to eat food like she is right here. She is so silly!
I went to bed around 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning was back up at 6 a.m. to finish getting everything ready before Maddy woke up to go to Dollywood. My weekend was actually kinda bad with some good in it lol. It seems everything I touched this weekend or did was completely wrong. I was following my sister up to Dollywood and we got separated so I was relying on my mom's old GPS to get me there. It would tell me to turn down a street and then it would show I was in oblivion land and would have to "recalculate." I finally called my mom to tell her I was close but Samantha, the GPS could not figure out what she was doing. Right as my step-dad was telling me something I saw a sign that said Dollywood next left. Once I got into Dollywood I couldn't figure out the parking thing. I figured they would have someone direct cars where to go like Lake Winnie did so I was just following the road and wound up in the handicap parking. I was like ok this isn't right. So I back track and end up going down a one way section and I was going the wrong way. I finally decided to just go back towards the entrance and find parking there but then I was worried how I was going to get all my stuff on the tram with Maddy, who is very active and very "me do it" right now, by myself. I was banking on having my sister's help but it was up to me to get it done. I must admit as I was getting stuff out of the car (Maddy was sound asleep) I had a mini melt down moment where I got my crying out because I just felt like everything I touched was falling apart...there is a little more to this story than what I'm saying. I think my main problem was I was just too tired and my brain was literally just on strike lol. On one ride they said to exit left and I clearly went right, for whatever reason I attempted to put Maddy's stroller on the tram with Maddy in it and they had to tell me otherwise which was embarrassing cause it was a "duh" moment. I did enjoy getting to see Maddy ride the rides and take everything in. She only had a 15 minute nap the entire day and did a lot of walking and she really held up extremely well. I def. want to take her back when she grows some more and go watch all the shows that we couldn't watch cause she just is too young to sit for that length of time. She did get to see her first movie though, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs in 4D except she had a non motion chair. She did watch some of it and then attempted to try to get down lol. My mom stayed with her and my youngest niece Abby, who Maddy just loves and looks up to. Some of the pics didn't turn out too well cause I had my zoom all the way and when that happens the pics turn out grainy.
I did bring her pack n play this trip, but we didn't get back to the cabin until close to midnight and after only 4 hours sleep the night before on top of an extremely hot day at the park all day I was too exhausted to even unpack my car. Maddy did extremely well sleeping with me in the bed this time and I loved every minute of her sleeping on top of me. The first time she went straight to sleep but she woke up some time in the middle of the night wanting to play around. I finally decided the bathroom light being left on was making her think it was morning so I turned it off and told her it was "night night" time and after 30 minutes to an hour later she finally went back to sleep. She was actually laying a little bit on me before I got up, but she looked so cute so I just had to take a pic, sorry it kinda blurred. I also forgot to talk about the cabin. I did not think to get pics of it, but this was mine and Maddy's first time staying in a cabin in pigeon forge and oh my goodness was it nice. I love the open layout and the view was so amazing! My mom and step-dad stayed up there from Thursday until today. Next time I stay up there I will def be getting a cabin!
Today we went to Splash Country. I don't have a lot of pics because there is only one of me and I like to say there is at least two of Maddy's and I didn't want to risk my camera getting broken due to it getting wet. I also am including Maddy's breakfast pics, which she wasn't too interested in her breakfast this morning. She is starting to not eat breakfast very well like she used too so anything she eats I am thankful for.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
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