This was Maddy's second year attending J-Fest. Last year she was still eight months old and not all that mobile. This year she was 20 months old and very mobile lol. At one point I thought I was going to pass out from the heat because I was constantly chasing her around in that hot sun. I love being outdoors, but it was so extremely hot that day and all I wanted was a nice cool pool. When we first got there Maddy took off and because I wouldn't let her go exactly where she wanted she decided to pitch a fit right in front of the sheriff's van of all places lol. She was tired from the very beginning, which made for an interesting day. My mom took these pictures and I'm glad she did because even if I had a camera with me...I wouldn't have gotten any pics, except for the back of Maddy:)

this is Jenny (I think) from Addison Road. I absolutely loved their concert and would really like to go see them again. I like all of their songs and she was very energetic.

Here I am trying to prevent Maddy from pitching a fit in the middle of the aisle lol. She wanted to go up the steps to the stage and security kept standing next to me at one point. I wanted to tell him not to worry that I wouldn't let her go past a certain point, but decided against it. She did not want to leave and was starting her fit process.

here is another fit lol...poor Maddy...she was so tired and hot

She finally told me she wanted in her stroller...didn't take but maybe 10 seconds and she was fast asleep with her drink and baby lol.

Francesca Battastelli

Big Daddy Weave
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