I found myself thinking a lot about Maddy's birthday today. I am so excited because we will be boarding a cruise ship in Miami ON her actual birthday. I said just last year that I would love to take her on a cruise on her birthday and low and behold that wish came true lol. Most people make a really big deal for the first birthday. I want to make a super big deal about each of Maddy's birthday's so I am in search of THE birthday outfit. I want her to have a birthday dress for opening presents and then another casual birthday outfit for the cake. I was able to find some dresses I liked, but everything I liked was $70. Don't get me wrong, Maddy is totally worth $70 and more but it is out of my price range for the moment.
This is the dress I am talking about. Since she is turning two there would be two candles on the cupcake and then under it would be her name. I envision her wearing this with her pigtails and that beautiful smile. I will post other pics I found too. I'm not sure how to make the pics all the same size without saving them and tweaking them through an image editor...I do not have that kind of time so I will do my best to make them proportionate lol.
That's about all I can find. I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for...guess I will figure that out later. Because we are cruising on her birthday I plan to have her birthday the weekend before. I'm starting to think about themes. Originally I was going to do a princess theme, but she is so enthralled with dogs that I'm almost thinking of having some kind of dog theme. How do you make a dog theme cute for a girl? I haven't figured that one out yet lol. I'm hoping next year she will be able to help me figure out what her theme will be. Speaking of Maddy, she is starting to watch more and more tv. Sunday I think she sat for a whole three minutes...maybe even five in my lap watching the wiggles. She loves to see wags the dog. She would point and had a smile plastered on her face. When the camera would show wags again she'd just scream, "DOGGIE!!!" to the top of her lungs...not really the top but really loud lol. I got tickled at her because she thought the show was funny. I think she is going through her last "mommy" stage and it is breaking my heart. I got the semi-privilege of taking her to school today. She had an extremely hard time letting me go. Her class was outside playing so I thought that would help her out because she lives to play outside, but as soon as I tried to put her down she clung with all her might to me. I think she likes me taking her to school because I don't get to very often. I wonder if since I pick her up from school she associates me with "rescuing" her from school to go home. I figured she was just happy for me to spend time with her this morning and didn't want it to end. My mom picked her up from school today-she usually takes her to school for me because she goes in town everyday for her job and we live 45 minutes from the daycare, so i struggle getting my time in when i take and pick her up from daycare-and once Maddy woke completely up we played and had dinner and had a good time. I let her stay up a little later because I did not have to rush to work or rush to get a school assignment done so it was a lot more relaxed. Around 7:50 I decided she needed to go on to bed so we began our bedtime routine. Here lately that consists of either running away when she sees the bottle, or deciding she wants to eat bite bites, or just simply says, "no." Tonight she resorted to deciding she wanted to play on top of saying no. She is the type of person that wants people right there with her all the time and she includes everybody. So I decided to take her bottle on to her room in hopes she would eventually follow me. My plan worked and she came in and closed her door. She resisted in me picking her up to rock her but she gave in when i offered to sing with her. She drank her bottle as usual and I sang, which is usual but she wanted me to keep on and keep on. I sang for a while and then decided she was looking really sleepy and didn't want her falling asleep in my arms so I told her I'd sing one more time then it was night night. I did exactly what I said and she just started boohooing. She normally just lays right on down and goes to sleep but tonight she sat all the way up with her arms up towards me crying for me to pick her up. I felt so bad because she had real tears and I knew she really did want me to stay. I knew if I did stay she would keep herself awake so I told her I loved her and to sleep good and night night and walked out. She did stop crying, but it broke my heart. "Mommy" stages can be difficult at times, but I am going to enjoy this one because it may be the last time.