My posts lately will be a combination of information. I do not have near the time I used to have to devote to my destress techniques, such as blogging since school has started. Before I go into what I wanted to say, I find it funny that after only one week of school I am finding myself wanting to double space my lines and use the two space rule after a period. One of these days I will write this as if I am writing for school. Back to my post. I honestly can't remember where I left off as far as my school is concerned. I know I talked about feeling overwhelmed. Looking back on last week I see where the Lord intervened and helped me without me really realizing it till afterwards. As I said in my last post my town experienced a lot of tornadoes, which caused my internet to be down. The first day my internet was down I was worried I would be in trouble at work as they do not care what your situation is. The second day my internet was down my boss already had texted me early that morning and I found out they were allowing those affected by the storm time off without a mark going against us. I was so relieved and was able to enjoy my day off, which was Friday. I ended up having Monday off as well and really used that time to devote to school. I was able to get my reading done and start on my assignments. The part where the Lord was helping me out is by me having that time off to devote to school. I was really worried about being in trouble at first, but the Lord worked it out for me and allowed me time to do what I needed to do. The devil has been attacking me these last few days and is throwing one thing right after another thing. There was a time when I was beginning to question whether I should really be in school or not. I have since then learned that my being in school is ok and is a needed to step to be able to do what I want to do and I feel the Lord has my back so to speak lol. I have sweated bullets on some things this past week, but when it comes down to it...everything has happened just in the nick of time. This week I do not feel as overwhelmed with school. I am getting my job done before I get Maddy so when she goes to bed I have all that time to devote to school. My assignments this week have been relatively easy and so far has not required a whole whole lot of thinking. One assignment confused me, but my mom is smart and was able to help me out. I still have a lot of learning and growing to do, but I am learning to take this new stress and give it to the Lord just as I do with everything else.
Maddy has been doing a great job of sleeping in her big girl bed. She has only gotten out one night and it was sometime after midnight when she did. I did hear what sounded like her moving around in her bed, but it sounded just like she rolled over or something. When I woke up Tuesday morning, I walked in to an empty bed. I didn't freak out at first. I knew she was in her room somewhere and it's not a huge room by any means. My first thought was to check her closet because she loves playing in there. Her closet showed no signs of her. By this point I am getting a little worried. I checked beside her dresser and once again no Maddy. I wondered if she somehow got behind her bed (even though this would be next to impossible) but it was worth a shot to check. As I began to sit on her bed I was beginning to have thoughts of her being kidnapped cross my mind because I knew she was not going to be behind her bed. Right as I was seriously fixing to have a freak out moment something on the floor caught my eye. I saw this monkey poking out from underneath her bed. AHA! I knew I had found her. She was wearing her monkey pj's that have monkey feet so I pull her dust ruffle up and there is Maddy sound asleep UNDER her bed. I had to walk out and just laugh but I was so relieved she was safe and not kidnapped.
Maddy helped her Nana plant flowers this past weekend and also played outside a bunch. I was wanting to do this as a seperate post, but will just post the pics in this one. I hope you all are having a good week and thank goodness it is almost the weekend!
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