I know I posted a while back that I was going to be getting Maddy a big girl potty and get potty training started. Funds weren't available and I didn't realize that until after I posted that post lol. I'm really not sure I had the funds to get it this week, but it was just something I had to go ahead and get. I had a real hard time deciding which one I wanted to get. There is a fisher price one that has an actual handle to flush and a toilet paper stand that sits on the side. It was really neat and when they go potty it cheers for them. It was the most expensive at $30. I went with a Safety 1st 3 in 1 potty and it's pink. The seat is all foam and feels amazing...I would love to have a seat made out of that lol. It doesn't have a handle or anything, but it looks pretty much like a toilet. Maddy isn't 100% ready to go full force into potty training, but every morning when I get her up one of the first things she tells me is she is dirty. Now for the most part when she has to go potty (# 2) she will point to her hiney and say, "Dirty." She knows when she does this, it's time to get a new diaper. I read in the What to Expect books to introduce them to the potty and let them just kinda explore it for a little bit with their clothes on. I did sit her on it when I had to go potty and I told her everything we had to do. She watched and listened very intently and did a real good job of just sitting on her potty while mommy was on mommy's potty. As I learn things and experience things, I will definitely share on here. I remember hearing a lot of people complain about having to change diapers and how glad they were to get rid of the diaper changes. That is one thing that has never bothered me. Even when Maddy was newborn and I was basically walking in my sleep, having to change her diapers was never annoying. I am finding that as she gets older and older, I am having more and more emotional moments lol. I'm not at all ready for her to be out of diapers. I'm excited for her to introduce and help teach her how to use things as a big girl does, but on the inside I'm like aww....what happened to my baby. I am definitely having some baby blues or baby withdrawals. Out of everything that is coming, the hardest thing will be when I have to turn her crib into her toddler bed. I actually think I will cry on that one because I'm about to sit here and cry just thinking about it, but I kinda had an emotional night as it is. I have gotten way off topic so let me kinda switch back. I was able to get a picture of her on her potty. I will go ahead and post it here:
Something else that I just got Maddy that I should have gotten a long time ago is her very own toothbrush and toothpaste. Her toothbrush is just the perfect size for her little hands and I believe the package said it was for ages 18-24 months. I got her Colgate brand just because that was the best in my opinion. I got her Aquafresh training toothpaste that says it is for ages 3-24 months and I tasted it and it kinda tastes like apple and banana baby food. Maddy always helps me brush my teeth when she is in the bathroom with me. When I gave her her toothbrush with the toothpaste on it, she just wanted to lick off the toothpaste and kept asking for more. I then showed her how to brush her teeth and she did a little bit. I was able to get a couple pictures of her brushing. I am going to have to work with her to make sure all her teeth get good and brushed and not just the front lol. She is very independent so she does not want any help from mommy so that is going to be my biggest challenge. Here are the pics. She decided to sit on her potty and brush her teeth too. She has really done so good with it all.
For some reason I am receiving an error message when I try to rotate my pictures. I will keep working on it and try to fix. Another first Maddy had today was her very own taco bell meal. It was just a cheese roll up, which is really kinda gross as much as I hate to say that about anything from there, but she was so happy. She ate almost the whole thing by herself. That was a proud mommy moment as I am a huge taco bell lover. I did get a pic, but it's on my phone. I also went shopping at the Children's Place today because I had a $20 coupon...I just didn't read it very well. In order to redeem it you had to spend $40 and then you'd get $20 off. I am so happy with the clothes Maddy has gotten. She has a much better wardrobe than me. Well, that is all I have to say for now. Thanks for listening/reading :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
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