Saturday, January 8, 2011
Flu Blues
On my way to pick Maddy up from daycare Thursday evening, they call telling me she has a 103 fever. I figured she had an ear infection because she has had some fluid on her ear the past couple of weeks. When I actually got to daycare she looked so pitiful. She's had a high fever before and it was from an ear infection, but she didn't look the way she did when I got her. I went home to get her in some comfy jammies and to see if she wanted any bite bites...she didn't. So me and my mom drive to PM Pediatrics just to make sure it wasn't bronchitis or pneumonia cause she would grab her chest like it was hurting her. By the time they took her temp it was up to 104.9. Usually while we wait for the doctor to come in, Maddy is all over the place wanting to walk around and get into everything, but not this time. She stayed in my lap the entire time, just sitting there. They tested her for the flu and sure enough it was positve. She had strand b. Maddy had a rough night Thursday night...I think her ear was hurting her real bad cause she would wake up so often and just cry and then drift back off to sleep. I think the longest stretch of sleep for her was maybe 3 hours straight. When she woke up Friday morning her fever felt much lower. She tried playing but bless her heart her body still said, "No, we're still sick and need to rest." She was fussy off and on all day Friday. She got 2 naps in the car, but when she would wake up she'd just scream and pull her hair. She didn't really eat anything all day Friday, but the good news is she was pretty much fever free at least half of Friday. The biggest challenge has been getting her mediciine down her. Even when I put it on the side and in the back, she got smart enough to realize she could blow it right back out. She still woke often Friday night and got up real early this morning. She still remains fever free and she actually ate a little lunch today. She wasn't real fussy and helped her Nana put away Christmas decorations...she did a good job :) She is afraid of the vacuum and my mom was fixing to run it so Maddy crawled up in my lap and just sat and watched. My mom kept getting interrupted by the phone so Maddy eneded up staying in my lap a little while and she finally gave up and dozed off to sleep. It's been a really long time since she's been asleep in my arms and it was such a good feeling to relive. She woke up and went to her Pops for a minute, but then she came right back to me and wanted right back into my lap. I laid her back and she fell asleep a second time. Maddy is very active and sleeping like that during the day is just not her. I had to work for 4 hours so her dad came over to watch her for me and most of the time he was here, she spent it sleeping. She finally woke up about 6:20 and when she did, she acted completely normal. Her sinus' weren't running out her nose constantly, she actually ate...she had some vegetable soup, crackers, fries, and part of a krystal...her eyes looked more normal and she just seemed even better than she had been. I really feel that she slept so much today because the rest of the flu bug was trying to get out of her system completely. Needless to say bedtime was pushed back tonight. So far she's been in bed a little over an hour and hasn't woken up like she has been. She still has a cough, but that's very minimal to what it has been. The doctor told me tamiflu wasn't like a miracle drug or anything like that, but it sure seems to have been. He said it lasts about 7 days and tonight will be the second full night and she already seems a lot better. I don't like seeing my baby feel so bad and it's even worse when she can't really talk and tell me what hurts and what she wants. Actually, all in all the hardest part has been the fact that she'd keep saying she wanted more please, but everything i gave her she didn't want. she'd just keep saying more please and I just felt so bad. I think she was feeling hungry but once she got what she thought she wanted she realized it wasn't really what she thought she wanted. I really hope this is the last time I see the flu for a very very long time, i'd really like to not ever see it again, but I think that's a little impossible :P
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