Monday, January 31, 2011


When I say the word faith, I instantly hear the song "That's What Faith Can Do" by Kutless. That is a great song by the way. The subject of faith got brought up last week and made me revisit who I used to be. I heard things from my sister that I had never known until last week and when we hung up I had so many thoughts going through my head. I used to have a much stronger faith than I have now, and I'm not too proud of that. My faith should be stronger today than it was yesterday. I have grown in my faith some this past year and it's all due to the movie "Facing The Giants." I can't really explain what it does, but when things get really hard for me and I say out loud, "I will still love you Lord", it has really helped me lean on God and see Him working in my life. I have been so stressed over financial things and my job and I can't tell you the number of times I've been reminded of the verse that says He takes care of the birds and the bees and I am so much more than those things so won't He take care of me as well? I remember very well some of the feelings I had back when my faith was super strong and I went through many rough times, the only difference is I was constantly reading my bible and praying and I was so eager to go to church to learn more about Jesus. Now, I am still eager to go to church. I haven't been to church in a long time and I will be going back real soon. I have been contemplating which church to try because wherever I go, Maddy will have to go to children's church. For now I am thinking of going to my mom's church until I can figure out where I want to go to church, I just have to make myself get up and be ready in time to get Maddy up and ready. I need to make a lot more time for God in my day to day activities/life. I can say I do talk to Him regularly throughout the week, but I don't take the time to just be still and listen.Thinking about my past and who I used to be has really made me step up and work on building my "stone wall".It has my hope that Maddy will have a strong faith and I hope that one day she will be able to recognize the strength of mine. I want to encourage you as parents or even if you're not a parent, as a person to really take the time and work on your relationship with the Lord. This world and the things in this world doesn't even compare to Him.This world is not my home and I am so thankful for that!

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